Saturday, February 22, 2020

Atheists Believe In A god And By Preference Their god Is Stupid

A. If some atheist-materialist, ideological eternal-past universe is, in fact, not reality, as there is no reason to believe it is, I doubt that our one known universe provides enough time for their stupid god, Random-Chance, to create life.  

That is one of the reasons that atheists have always had to insist that the universe is past-eternal, something that becomes all the more obviously necessary for their stupid god to come up with life.  They know that the probability of life arising in our one, known, universe by Random-Chance is entirely unbelievable when considered intelligently.   It requires, literally, an infinity of time to produce the sight probability of explaining us in their preferred way.   And they don't care if they have to create an infinity of universes because they can't stand that. 

Why that is different from what they accuse their opponents of doing, coming up with scenarios that support the way they prefer is, apparently, not to be considered.  

I will note that even as they posit their eternal-past universe, that doesn't clinch the deal for their stupid creator god, there is nothing that would prevent the intelligent God of monotheism from creating any number of universes* out of the eternity of God's own being, so the desperate attempt would seem to be rather futile except that it might salvage their own naive faith in their preferred, stupid god.  The God of Judaism, Christianity and, I believe Islam, not to mention other monotheistic religions could easily operate as the Creator in an eternal-past ensemble of universes. 

B. If the current Big Bang cosmological scheme that our universe came into being from literally nothing is correct, that would more likley to support a belief in intelligent design, though not creationism, the time being too short to sort out all of the enormous improbabilities of life arising as it seems to have.  

As I've pointed out the last two days, I don't believe the current schemes of abiogenesis for a single second because their claims for random chance are unrealistic. 

I will not apologize for stating the fact that the atheist-materialist god "Random-Chance" is, in fact, their creator god nor that they insist that their god is in fact, stupid, unintelligent, devoid of consciousness.  They seem to like the idea of a stupid creator that creates by accident just as they like the idea that the universe is devoid of intelligence and, in the worst cases, consciousness.  That they insist that they are just brilliant while holding these denials of the things that they would need to, in fact be brilliant, the holders of truth while denying the existence of the only means we have of apprehending truth, etc.  leads me to being ever less surprised that even the smartest of them are able to hold such stupid ideas in such high regard.  

* I always have a problem of the irrational idea that there is more than one universe, if it's not the only one there is no "universe".  You can only have one or you can't have any.  

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