Friday, November 15, 2019

More On Grifting Hallelujah Hucksters And The Grifters In Black Robes Who Work Hand In Glove With Them

Noticed that part of a paragraph seems to have gotten knocked off yesterday so I've decided to finish it and extend it here.  


The very same legal establishment that claims to be incompetent to tell the difference between a crook who fleeces the flock instead of caring for it, one who then sells it off for slaughter at a profit and someone who tries to follow The Law, the Prophets, the Gospel,  etc.  have no problem in deciding the most obscure, complex, arbitrary issues of contract and business law in which who is lying is often of little interest to the judges and, especially, the "justices" who rule on them.  But when it comes to the difference between Paula White and servants of the poor, they claim to be incompetent to make that distinction.  The 18th century "enlightenment" is one of the biggest con jobs in the history of human culture.   The more I fact check the claims made on behalf of it and its main figures, the more of a fraud it turns out to be.  That fraud is the source of much of our trouble because it is the ruling ideology, today.  Exposing its fraudulence is necessary.  

I think that we have a right for egalitarian democracy to favor those things which promote equality, especially economic equality, equal justice before the law and the common good.   I think We The People have a right to laws and a government that do not empower gangsters, thugs, crooks and haters.  I can see absolutely no good to a legal regime that proclaims there is a level playing field that actually gives such gangsters, thugs, crooks and haters an advantage for them to harm other people, groups of people, all of us.  The legal system that we inherited from the English is full to the top of advantages to such gangsters, etc. it was developed by them, for them, maintained for their advantage and cloaked in a con job of lofty language that turned such permissions into principles.  Its equality is the kind of equality that makes it illegal for a pauper and a billionaire to sleep under a bridge.   Its few lapses, decisions granting equality are noteworthy through their relative rarity when it's the privileging of the wealthy and powerful that should be the noteworthy, stopped and punished aberrations.  

The history of the Supreme Court of the United States is full of such ideally aberrant instances of injustice.  We have been suckered into allowing this to continue for more than two centuries, now.  They are the source of some of the worst enabling of the enemies of equality an democracy, privileging the billionaire oligarchs.   The Senate, the least democratic of the, now, elected branches of government just tipped the 2nd Circuit to the control of such servants of gangsters and thugs with one of the worst appointments to a major position of power in the federal judiciary in its history.   

I think that the law should define religion for the purposes of such things as tax exemption by their service to the poor, not by their service to the rich.  Educational institutions that serve poor children instead of the children of millionaires and billionaires are the ones that deserve benefits, the ones that serve the super rich should be taxed on the basis of them being the conferrers of status that they are.   No "church" that provides its "pastor" with a jet or an expensive car or a luxurious accommodation should be considered a church for purposes of taxation or a hands-off treatment by the government.  The corruption of the clergy in so many European countries should have clued the aristocrats who wrote the Constitution that this kind of thing would happen here under the wording of the First Amendment but they don't seem to have put much thought in what they passed in the so-called Bill of Rights.   There is no reason at all for us to ignore the lessons of life under that 18th century sloppiness, there is no reason for us to feel inhibited from arguing the issues because some of them are potentially thorny - most of them are blindingly obvious.  

The Catholic Church would greatly benefit from the hierarchs, the bishops, the cardinals, etc. getting out of the obscenely luxurious digs a lot of them live in, out of the luxury that some of them relish and to follow the rules that Jesus set out, on foot,  no purse, no shoes, only one outfit, depending on the charity of those they serve in what they are going to eat and where they're going to sleep - and I don't mean they stay with the richest Catholic in town.   Much of the scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church, much of what discredits it is directly a result of the kind of shit that Samantha Bee correctly pointed to in the con-job of Paula White.   The same could be said about many other alleged preachers of the Gospel of Jesus who have absolutely no intention of following the rules he set up for what they've turned into their profession.  I don't see any reason for us to pretend such fat cats are the same as those who serve the least among us.  The judges, justices and lawyers who claim to serve justice are as hypocritical and there is no reason for us to pretend they are any less corrupt than the corrupt clergy. 

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