Friday, September 27, 2019

I Wouldn't Be Surprised If Nancy Pelosi Knew Trump Would Be Exposed

The many, many, many years of people on lefty blogs, on lefty comment threads, columnists in lefty magazines, op-ed pages, on radio and TV and online commentary have been slamming Nancy Pelosi for everything under the sun have certainly been incredibly wrong.  That continued up till the other day when the fullness of time proved that her biding her time for Trump to make himself eminently impeachable came.  I was reading the most bitter condemnation of her by blog rats on lefty blogs right up till the hours before she made her announcement of the official impeachment inquiry. 

She is smarter than all of her critics put together.  They are childish dolts.  She is the best Speaker of the House in recent American history, certainly the best of my lifetime.  I am certain that most of the criticism of her on the left is related to her gender.   None of it has come from people who have her amazing political skill and cunning.  The play-lefties are idiots, to a person.

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