Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Making "Never Again" Into A Disgusting Opportunistic Descecration - Hate Mail

I will not do what the Nazis did and neo-Nazis and America's indigenous racists did and do, classify different groups of People on the basis of valuation.  Nor will I do that on an individual basis which is the same thing.  THAT is the foundation of what the Nazis did to all of those People and groups they targeted for obliteration, if there is any more fit way to remember, to make "never again" more than an exercise in morbid antiquity but a living memorial to those who died, that is it BY NOT USING THEM TO DO WHAT THE NAZIS DID TO THEM BUT TO OTHER PEOPLE.  That is true of the groups in the 1930s and 40s who were murdered by the Nazis, beginning with their opponents and rivals in politics, then with Disabled People, then with Jews and the many other named group they targeted for obliteration.  But that isn't only true for those years.  Only as an example, it is as true of the Herero and Nama People murdered three decades and more earlier by Germans more than a decade before the Nazi Party was formed, some of the very same people involved in that were also involved in those later Darwinian murders, some of the most appalling scientific practices committed by the Nazi scientific officers were repeating what scientists like Eugen Fischer did during that slaughter.   And that is as true of other non-Nazi slaughters of the century of murder, the catalogue of which and the numbers of People targeted is staggering in its size and scope. 

And what is true of the refusal to think like a Nazi in putting different valuations on the lives of People long ago murdered among various groups murdered by various groups is as true across time.  To compare the treatment of People by governments here and now to those murdered by the Nazis is not to, in any way, dishonor those who were murdered by the Nazis, IT IS TO SANCTIFY THEIR LIVES BY MAKING THEM OF CONTINUING VALUE - NO OF PUTTING THEM BEYOND A SCALE OF VALUATION - , ALL OF THEM, TO OBLITERATE THE RACIST, ETHNIC CHAUVINIST, ECONOMIC-DARWINIST THINKING THAT GOT THEM KILLED, TO CALL OUT THE IDEOLOGIES, THE SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATIONS, THE ROMANTIC ERA-"ENLIGHTENMENT" PSEUDO-SCIENTIFIC LINGUISTIC-NATIONALIST THEORIES, THE ORIGINAL SIN THAT IS ENDEMIC TO THE HUMAN SPECIES THAT KILLED THEM, TO PREVENT WHAT HAPPENED THEN FROM HAPPENING AGAIN.  

Unless you are entirely on with that means of honoring those murdered by the Nazis, your "never again" is a bullshit desecration of all of those murdered, especially the ones you care about.  You're doing what the Nazis did, what Stalin did in his pogroms, what the Czars and various monarchs and princes and local thugs did, you're using them for your purpose, not honoring their lives.   If you don't think the Latin Americans, the Palestinians, the Uyghurs,   etc. etc. etc. are in danger of turning into the next genocide, you are screwing the memory of skeletons for your own ends.

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