Sunday, March 17, 2019


I am tired of people claiming that Men, and it is almost always Men and it is almost always White Men who murder people are in some way psychologically damaged or psychologically predisposed to kill people in ways that they are inspired to from the media. 

I don't give a half-pint of spit what their alleged mental state is or is not, I care that they kill people and what inspires them to do it. 

As with the original dodge in this matter that most of the imbibers of hate media and, especially, violent hate media don't go on to take automatic weapons and kill people is irrelevant BECAUSE THE ONES IN THE AUDIENCE, IN THE "MARKET SHARE" OF VIOLENT AND HATE SPEWING MEDIA DO DO THAT.   Whenever there is a TV show or movie or shock-jock pushing the envelope who is addressing millions there is certainly someone in the listeners who is so disposed, it's likely when the audience is in the hundreds or tens of thousands, it is not improbable when it is an obscure figure with a cult following that it is just those with such a predisposition who will seek such voices of violent hatred out.   And the clean finger-nailed, elegantly dressed, often-asked-on-talk-shows graduates of Ivy League Law Schools who advocate allowing that poison to be spewed out over the country are as guilty as the shock-jocks and the people who make their expressed desires real in real life.  The assholes who repeat their slogans on play-lefty blogs are too.   I think this is going to quickly develop as a test as to whether or not real liberals are capable of learning from real life.  Play-lefties have already failed that test, they failed it from the start.  They always were libertarians or the dupes of the fascists. 

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