Saturday, December 29, 2018

"And the picture of all those families fleeing, mothers carrying their children in their arms, is the same as the flight to Egypt"

Continuing on from here yesterday:

Another of the ladies:  "Yes, that's just like what goes on nowadays,  and it's because anyone that is struggling for the liberation of the oppressed, he himself is a Christ,  and then there's a Herod, and what we're seeing is the living story of the life of Jesus.  And more Herods will come along, because whenever there's someone struggling for liberation there's someone who wants to kill him, and if they can kill him they will.  How happy Somoza would have been if Ernesto and Fernando [Cardenal] had died when they were little kids so they wouldn't be teaching all this.  It's perfectly clear that the business of Herod and Christ, we have it right here."

One of the boys:  "I think that the same thing happened to Catalino Flores [the murdered union leader mentioned earlier in the discussion] as to Christ, exactly.  They didn't kill him when he was a child because he, like Jesus, managed to escape.  They killed him at an age when he had already fought his fight.  He fought, and they killed him, but the same thing happened to him as to Christ, that he is resurrected and is in the hearts of everyone that wants the things that he wanted. 

DONALD, who is studying in a small town on the Costa Rican border and has come home for his vacation:  "But in the Gospel, it's a tiny child that they are persecuting, and here they're not going to persecute a newborn child.  From the time he was born, they were looking for Jesus to kill him, and his parents had to save his life."

Another of the boys:  "I think the same thing happens here, Donald.  Can I say something;  You know what country we're in, and how there's so much infant mortality, and so many stunted, undernourished children.  I think that's persecuting children.  I think the same thing is happening here as happened to Christ when he was persecuted as a kid."

And I said that there are many campesino families that have had to leave their homes in may parts of Nicaragua, fleeing from misery and hunger or because they have been driven off their hands, or because the National Guard is killing the campesino leaders, burning farmhouses, raping women, jailing whole families, torturing.  And the picture of all those families fleeing, mothers carrying their children in their arms, is the same as the flight to Egypt. 

LARUEANO: "Another thing:  the revolutionary conscience in these countries is still a child.  It's still tiny.  And they persecute it so that it won't grow.

I'm not qualified to add anything.

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