Monday, August 22, 2016

Marijo bela kumrijo with Vismaya Lhi - soprano and Dusan Bogdanovic improvising accompaniment on guitar

The old dog's fine, he just might outlive me.  I've been running a high fever all day.  

I'll post something when I can. 

Till then, here's something to upset the musically superficial who can't get past the sub dominant.  That's the harmonic degree on the 4th note of a diatonic scale, Simps, not your pathetic attempt at achieving some kind of kinky thrill.  

 Durme, Durme


You can click on the titles of the videos to read the description and see what the songs are about.

Update: a. Stupy, I don't look at the links you try to get me to look at so I'm not countering anything, b. you didn't even bother to listen to these, as your stupid description of them proves, c. if I had a dollar for every time I heard Gershwin's music on an elevator or in a supermarket or in some Muzak style treatment, I'd be rolling in dough.

I forget, who was it, the Monkees or Brian Wilson or someone who you said was his generation's Gershwin? Your band should be called Discontinued Model, considering you're in it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sparky. I send you something gorgeous and profound, and you counter with ethnic elevator music.

