Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I'm Done With Thinking The First Amendment Is The Most Pressing Issue In This

Every time I look into the open, swirling, stinking swill of the cesspool of freely available porn online, it is worse.   The recent look at it that I posted included what are clearly supposed to be gay porn sites which take the self-hatred to new depths of depravity.  There is a class of such gay porn, especially on the premier venue of it, Tumblr, which encourages gay men to fantasize about being savagely beaten by, humiliated by, even killed by straight men who are presented as superior beings.  As could be gathered from what I posted on the weekend, white supremacy also figures into it.  One "redneck" gay porn site I saw had prominent banners declaring "White Lives Matter" with American style white supremacist content and themes. 

It's hard to decide which of the bottom feeding sites is the worst.  One I saw featured gifs of a younger, smaller man whose hands were tied as he was repeatedly punched in the stomach.  I saw another image of the same who was being strangled from behind with a caption that talked about how the strangler couldn't get off until "the boi" was unconscious "so bye bye faggot".   I traced the images back to appearing on Eastern European neo-fascist websites with captions which google translated into encouraging the murder of gay men.   But in America, under the current interpretation of "The First Amendment" the same content is being presented as acceptable sexual arousal.  Women, of course, won't have to imagine that kind of stuff because the sexual murder of women has been presented as a turn on by such men as who find it so since before Larry Flint put an image of a woman being put in a meat grinder as arousing.  Yet people wonder why women are treated like objects for use by men who grew up with such stuff.

And this stuff isn't rare or hard to find online, it's everywhere, encouraging sadistic, homicidal psychopaths and the boys who can be so convinced of their own hatefulness that they would find the idea of being spit on, forced to open their mouth to be spit into, urinated into as they're being humiliated, degraded, hated, slapped, punched, battered with whatever the imagination of the photographers, film makers, and others classified as journalists or artists or whatever, "exercising their right of expression" and going on to encouraging the sadistic enslavement, torture, maiming and murder by stronger, often openly Nazi or  fascist men,  even making reference to Nazi concentration camps, presenting Nazism as a turn on and such survival of the fittest as the way of nature.  It's my impression that such stuff is an increasing percentage of the marketing of ideas, attitudes, habits of thought with spectacle sex as appears on the "social media" available to who knows who in your neighborhood. 

The next time you read some outraged article on a lefty webazine or in the news about the vicious torture of gay men by Russian neo-Nazis, remember those images are probably selling similar ideas, exactly the same practice, here as a sexual turn on.  As I pointed out, one of the attractions in that stuff is the idea that superior men rape, they don't find consent by their victims gratifying.  And if you point that out their knees will jerk and they will say "First Amendment," as real people are really destroyed, minus their show of outrage.

Anyone who believes this spiral, not cycle, can go on to who knows whatever newer depth of depravity before the results become catastrophically unacceptable, overturning the current ACLU, Joel Gora concepts of the First Amendment, is willfully and stupidly irresponsible.  In the meantime, who knows who is paying the price, with their lives, of their media-industry financed and gratifying legal theories.   I doubt the high-priced "First Amendment" lawyers will ever have to face that in their lives or in the lives of their loved ones.  The victims of it, those whose degredation, intimdation, torture, and killing - who knows if it's all "merely" simulated? - are seldom in their class.  And a lot of them come from the 3rd world.  Not "people like us".

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