Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Gone White At The Blue Rinse Cohort

I have an urgent message telling me that my favorite geriatric ward, often known here as baby blue, has lost its color and is now white - I mean the page background, not 99 44/100th  % of its current regulars, though that works too.   Why that should be the most urgent concern about it it is telling, so interesting, but it's not that interesting.

Duncan is blaming it on disqus, his comment system which turned on ads without his permission.  What that means, is,  I suppose, he doesn't get a cut of those ads as opposed to the ones he whines about people using ad-block over.  Unlike other website owners, he only has nice, attractive ads, not vulgar distasteful ads  Maybe Jeff Bezos will pay someone to restore the color for him. 

Hey, I'm sure some of your regulars can tell you how to do a blue rinse job. 

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