Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hate Mail - The Advice Of Being Careful of What You Wish For Is Perhaps Called For?

This question of the promotion of paganism, or Paganism. of you will, as an alternative to Christianity has been something that I've grown more interested in.  It is, obviously, a product of buying mostly 19th and 20th century BS about pagan culture, alleged "Old Religion" most of which, on inspection, turns out to be about as authentic as a Hollywood movie about the "Old West".

It seeming to be of most concern, I've concentrated on such quaint practices as ritual and horrifically brutal human sacrifice, including that done periodically in celebration or observation of the winter solstice at places like Uppsala. the ritual murder of female slaves to be the concubines of warrior thugs who have died, and have noted the practically universal practice of infanticide among pagans, especially the disabled and, probably most often women.  Killing people was a major feature of paganism, the Germanic and stylish Celtic forms of them, what with various bog burials of its victims and archaeological excavations of the burials of upper class thugs prove.  I have also shown the direct documentation by such pagans as is seen in the Oseberg ship burial tapestry depicting, as in the literary sources, nine men ritually hanged in a grove.

Pagans wanting to deny the fact that their imagined nature loving, gender egalitarian "old religion" was an unequal and horrifically vicious reality have the problem that the same Sagas and early Christian works that they depend on for whatever information they can have about the Pagans, apart from such excavations, also document those horrific sacrifices and the grotesque patriarchal inequality of pagan cultures.  They can't use them as a reliable source for what they want without also having to turn around and say they were lying about the things they don't like.  Even some of the supposed scholars try to do that, on the basis of nothing I can see, saying that the sacrifices of nine men every nine years was a pantomime, not an actual sacrifice.   I haven't seen anything about pantomime in anything I've found.  The bog burials and other obvious victims of sacrifice who have been dug up would have been some kind of theatrical accident, I guess? 

The recent desire to push paganism in English speaking countries gaining ground since the 1960s has been something which a lot of supposed liberals have done, part of the push to diminish the influence of Christianity.  Well, as I've learned and shown this week, that is right in line with what the Nazis did and, as I indicated, the neo-Nazis have pushed that old "Christians stole Christmas from the Pagans" line as well.  And,as you can see if you go searching through the sewer that is the neo-Nazi internet, if anything they are more overtly antisemetic about it than their Nazi predecessors may have been.  The original Nazis had to peddle their lies to Christians for whom Mary and Jesus and Joseph were all identified as Jews, the post-war neo-Nazis don't have to deal with that because their converts probably never learned that inconvenient fact.   

I look at it all and think that any Jewish people and women and liberals in general  who push that line had better be careful for what they wish for.  The pagan fundamentalists who could arise in a country with large numbers of them could make the Southern Baptists look mild by comparison.   The Nazis rose out of a sort of pagan club, The Thule Society in Munich.  It's newspaper,  the Münchener Beobachter, became the chief organ of Nazi propaganda, the Völkischer Beobachter.  They were really big on Nordic mythology and folkways complete with lost lands and powerful, runic symbols which became part of Nazi symbolism which became potent parts of Nazi recruitment and organization. These things didn't happen at a glacial rate, the same people involved in such neo-paganism in Munich in 1918 formed the Nazi party the next year and within 14 years took over Germany and began killing people.  The whole thing from beginning to end took about 27 years and about 50 million lives sacrificed.  

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