Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lots of Gay Porn is Absolutely Indistinguishable From Fascist Gay Bashing

I will violate my intention of not linking to images and descriptions of sadistic abusive porn because this image was sent to me an hour or two ago with a link to a Daily Kos diary about Russian fascists luring gay Russian boys and men, online,  to meet for sex but who are then assaulted, brutalized, tortured, humiliated and degraded by them.  I don't think the person who sent me the picture and the link realized how, if someone had not told me what the picture was, I'd have taken it for a large part of the gay porn you can see on porn sites, Tumblr and other blogs, only this would have to count as one of the milder images presented as sexually gratifying on those blogs.  The description of what the Russian fascists do could be a caption for any number of those images, GIFs and video clips.

The group also released this video of a gay teen in Moscow who was lured into the kind of trap described above. It shows him being "bullied, tortured and sprayed with urine in the broad day light."

Watch it at your own risk. You don't need to know a word of Russian to understand how terrified and humiliated this poor young man is.

If I had chosen to link to Tumblr blogs and other sources of porn I would have given exactly the same warning.

The Kos Diary points out that the police do nothing about this but, as anyone who has studied pornography knows,  that behavior, presented as pornography, sometimes explicitly stated as involving Russian,  Eastern European or third world* victims is held to have First Amendment protection here.  As also mentioned in this series,  there is no requirement that those presenting the images prove that the person presented as the victim of pornography is of legal age and is participating of their fully informed and free volition.

I won't link to any pictures of that being done to people or of drawings but the captions on many of those are, practically verbatim,  what is said in the description of the video above.

A friend of mine who had the misfortune of growing up rather obviously gay in a small town once told me how remarkable it was that some of his most violent tormentors in school later went on to work for a rather notorious contractor and small time organized criminal who, rather openly, had sexual relations with the young men who worked for him.   It's not all that uncommon in the experience of gay men who had been similarly brutalized by those who would go on to have similar life stories.  Only, if the same Russian fascists went on to do exactly what they are described as doing and selling it as porn, it would go from being a great and decried crime to being a First Amendment cause célèbre.  Surely I'm not the only one who sees a problem with that.

One of the things I've pointed out that has gotten a lot of surprised reaction is, by an enormous percentage, the predominant media presentation of gay men is pornography.  And when I say an enormous percentage, I mean thousands of texts, photographs, videos and full length porn deceptions to one non-pornographic media representation.  Another thing that gets a shocked reaction, especially from straight liberals and pseudo-liberals is when I point out that, by far, the largest corpus and the most extreme expression of gay hatred is also found in gay porn, with some also found in straight porn.  Pornography is not a great source of gay liberation or gay pride.  In line with its explicit messages, it's more likely to intentionally degrade, humiliate, presenting images of gay men being  "bullied, tortured and sprayed with urine" for the sexual gratification of other people.

*   On one site I just found through a casual web search, it offers 137 videos of Russian boys in bondage the same site lists 1540 videos under the heading "Brutal",  1786 under "Pissing", the descriptions of what is done to people in photographs or videos in a lot of gay porn and just as much so, straight porn,  are no different from how the fascists treated young gay men.   An impromptu google search using the terms "russian brutal pissing gay" returned About 33,700,000 results (0.35 seconds)

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