BECAUSE UNLIKE VIRTUALLY EVERYONE ELSE no one has to be reminded that straight, white men are human beings of equal standing and the holders of equal rights.
I'd originally started capitalizing "People" because materialists, especially those supreme idiots, the eliminative positivists, are in the business of demoting People into material objects and that's guaranteed to them being seen in terms of utility (which would get me started on that atheist-materialist and so academic ersatz substitute for revealed morality, utilitarianism) and their economic valuation (which would get me started on the theory of natural selection and, so, the various final solutions of scientistic, materialist academic atheism). I gradually expanded it as I realized that the treatment of Women and minority groups, especially People of Color had literally always been thought of that way in Western and many other world cultures
Not a comprehensive answer but one that's sincere. Well, there is that I was pretty sure it would piss off cis-gendered, straight, white males and the white gals who figure on riding them to their own advantage. I love pissing off those kinds of people. It's why I've gone back to using B.C .and A. D. To piss off the materialists.
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