Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Now Here's Something Worth Listening To

WHILE THE TROLL goes on and on and on saying what he said about the Mop Heads in 1968 (and which other "critics" said about them before he repeated it) here's what Artie Shaw said.

Part 1

Part 2

I always respected Artie Shaw because he didn't choose to repeat the same stuff for decades to make money and because he was always interested in making it new all the time.


  1. Anybody have the slightest idea about who and what this sad pathetic twit is talking about?

  2. Anybody have any idea what specifically this sad pathetic dweeb is going on about?😎

  3. What a thing to call Artie Shaw, one of the finest musicians of his generation.
    If you meant me, anyone who is at all familiar with you knows exactly what I was talking about. I don't think you're capable of not gassing on and on about the same old stuff you gassed on about sixty years ago and ever since at least every three days. I wasn't going to post the first one from yesterday until you proved you are rather OC about what I say about you and your Mop Heads fetish. Rather puts a highlight on what Artie Shaw said about the mind deadening effects of repeating the moldy oldies.
