Tuesday, January 21, 2025

From Greatest Generation To Greatest Degeneration

FROM WHAT I'M SEEING, the mass media, the billionaire owners of which were all-in on the Trump installation, is selling Elon's Nazi salutes as something they so obviously were not, like not-Nazi-salutes.  

I was deeply skeptical of that short-lived fad of a news-anchor playing historian selling my parent's generation as the "greatest" one, being generally skeptical of the existence of "generations" as other than a mere chronological fiction even as I knew an unusual number of them actually learned something good while fighting against the WWII Axis and having lived through the Great Depression.   Whatever was greatest about them, as compared to my and succeeding "generations" was in their increased percentage who supported equality and democracy and it wasn't anything like even three-fourths of them who were all in on both.    Though even many of the WWII Republicans were opposed to the destruction of electoral democracy,  I mentioned the post-Watergate legislation that the Supreme Court and the ACLU put an end to,  you can say that for them. 

I don't have to ask what my veteran parents would say about Trump and the media-promoted overtly Republican-fascists - and the normalization of overt neo-Nazism - they opposed the far lesser manifestations of that on the fringes even as they had signed up to fight it in WWII.  I'm older than my father was when he died and I can say that I'm seriously thinking about the possibility that my generation may end up taking up arms to fight against American Nazis and white supremacists if things go as they well might.   I don't for a second believe that the process of the law is going to save us, the institutions we were told would protect us have all failed, the media which has been the primary engine of elevating the TV-reality star to the head of world fascism and the normalization of his billionaire financed now overtly neo-Nazi regime is certainly not going to save us.  

If Musk is allowed to retain his position of control over the Trump regime and proximity to power, it will come to that.   If there is one thing that should have been done in the past four years, it was him being stripped of all his assets with national security implications and him deported to South Africa along with his family.   That he wasn't is the failure of the rule of law and the Constitution in doing what both claim their purpose is, protecting the American People from our enemies.   Democracy, if it is to exist in the future, cannot exist in the 18th century framing in which the U.S. Constitution exists.   Equality and an informed pubic steeped in the virtue of equality is the only secure framing for it and that is incompatible with the existence of billionaires and millionaires rich enough to corrupt the media and democracy.    I don't think democracy can exist with the kind of social media we have, it has also been a major engine of 21st century fascism and neo-Nazism.   Keith Olbermann may be right that the ability to post anonymously online has to go.  No one should be able to post online without the ability to be held responsible for what is posted by them.  Bots must be abolished, AI is neither intelligent nor is it capable of telling the truth.

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