Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Newfangled Four - Hello My Baby... Through the Years


Inside Joke Alert: This is the first time for Newfangled Four to appear as mic testers for the International Quartet Finals, an honor given to the quartet placing 11th. The special guest featured is David Zimmerman, tenor of the outgoing champions Instant Classic, who have been teased all week with this particular knock knock joke. David gets them back, though, with his reply!  

He should never have let me know that posting barbershop quartet annoyed him. 

On the other hand, they're very skilled musicians and performers. 


  1. "On the other hand, they're very skilled musicians and performers. "

    And Guy Lombardo's band was better and more important than the Beatles. We know, Sparky -- we know. 😎

    1. The only thing I ever pointed out was that Louis Armstrong said that Guy Lombardo's band was his favorite and that I'd rather listen to them play their gooey rendition of Auld Lang Syne instead of hearing some adenoidal 20 year old intoning "Imagine" as the ball was about to fall in Time Square, though not nearly as much as not hearing either because I'd been asleep for about three hours. The rest of that you made up.
      I guess The NF4 can't hold a candle to your garage band that you are always touting at Duncan's. Is there anything more pathetic than a guy pushing 80 who is trying to relive his glory days that never were. I mean, there are one-hit-wonders who have more of a legitimate reason to do that and it's still pathetic when they do it.

  2. It's called a hobby, you poor sad shithead. You know -- something you do for fun, sometimes with friends. Fun and friends being concepts you are tragically unfamiliar wit -- Thanks for proving my point about your poor clueless joyless life yet again.

    1. What do you think barbershop quartet is? They don't give a Grammy for it that I ever heard of. Considering how many bullshit awards they give out, not having it as a category would be a clue to even the clueless like you whose picture could serve as an entry in the dictionary for the word.

  3. You're in a barbershop quartet? Who knew? I'm sorry, Sparky -- it never occurred to me you might actually be making music with other people. Oh wait -- you aren't.

    1. If anyone else is reading this, I've been recommending that Simps do something about his need for remedial reading for going on two decades, at this point. And I noted his Trumpian habit of lying about what someone said to him just last week. I kind of wished I had been in a singing group of some kind, I think I'll write about some ideas about that, though at my age and with the ruins of my voice it probably wouldn't be much fun for anyone else in the group. I'm not Marc Reisen, after all. And I'm sure Simps won't even bother to look up who he was.
