Monday, July 8, 2024

Michael Moore Go Soak Your Head

I READ THAT the one-time movie maker Michael Moore is calling on President Biden to drop out of the presidential race.  He has a cute line saying he's the victim of "elder abuse" which, coming from him could hardly be more condescending to one of the most accomplished and over-performing Democratic Presidents in our history by one of the most under-performing minor celebrities of pop culture.

What's the last thing Michael Moore was right about?   Oh, he endorsed Joe Biden in 2020 after endorsing Bernie Sanders but he almost immediately tried to sandbag Biden in Michigan

Micheal Moore made approximately a couple of mildly important but impotent movies in about the dozen he's made.   They had little to no impact on the world outside of their viewership and precious little impact within it.   He regularly makes an ass of himself and, because he made some movies, gets on MSNBC and other such venues way, way, way more than his importance or intelligence warrants. 

He is a play-lefty, the kind of lefty who not only will never back someone who gains power as a first choice but who can be counted on to try to sandbag anyone who actually can gain power and retain it to change things.   Play lefties are generally affluent, mostly white, quite often male, straight and quite OK with Republican-fascists governing the country because they don't much impact their lives.   They are drones without any real sting but who can be a problem for the Democratic Party which can gain power and govern, making laws that will change real Peoples' lives for the better. 

If I never hear from Michael Moore for the rest of my life,  I don't think I would notice the absence, his presence is so unimposing and unimportant, otherwise.


  1. The World According to Sparky: Michael Moore = Play lefty. "Play lefties are generally affluent,"

    Michael Moore came from a privileged background? Wow -- you really haven't been paying attention, have you.

    1. I know it's probably news to you but people from working class backgrounds can make a lot of money in the movies. Really, Simps, how stupid can a pop kulcha guy get? As I recall it Minnie Marx, the mother of Gourcho et al said show biz was where someone without any education could rake it in. And here you are such a self-promoted expert on things Marx bros. related.

  2. So Moore wasn't from a working class background? Interesting.

    1. Minnie Marx would say you should have tried to go on the movies because you're not only uneducated, you're stupid enough to be just what she's was talking about.
