Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I'll Get To It After I Wash My Hair

THE MATHEMATICALLY ILLITERATE and just plain post-literate troll, Simps, is trying to kick up yet another of the already comprehensively answered brawls he picked with me.   Unlike him I don't care to take the easy route of wallowing in the already answered so I'm going to relegate him back to my alternative blog,  Crush Seth MacFarlane's Nuts, as seen in the sidebar.   I kind of wish I hadn't once given in to my idea of deleting him from the past of that blog by deleting the record of all the brawls we got into over there but I did, in fact, wipe the floor with him every single time he tried it.  As you can see in the latter day ones I didn't delete from there and the ones you can still read about here.  Such as the last time I dealt with his incompetence in the kind of basic set theory that they used to teach in Algebra 1 class but,  I believe, they teach to even younger kiddies, today.    I'll link to some of those brawls when I have time to search them.   The ones in which the less appealing boy from New York City,  the one who is more likely to wear the mohair to cover up his baldness than as  a suit, proved he didn't understand the most basic parts of the political structure of the city he lives in whereas I know the difference between one borough and NYC as a whole.    I won't say he's the stupidest person with college-credentials I've encountered but he is typical of the standards that fell apart during our generation.    He'd never have passed Frosh Rhetoric at my Land Grant university.   There's at least one PhD holding prep-school teacher of Physics and one college-level math instructor who hang out at the asses' athenaeum,  Eschaton who certainly understand his mathematical incompetence though I'm prepared to believe many of those who are, likewise, college-credentialed at that place who are as clueless of basic set theory as Simps.  

Come to think of it,  Duncan has a PhD in economics so he should have at least the rudiments of algebra mastered.   Of course, it's pretty clear Duncan has no interest in what gets said on his blog anymore than the Ex-Lax and Geritol generation has in what he says.   He used to write relatively interesting posts on infrastructure but that's a thing of the past.   Now he just wants to be groovy with the young-uns, clueless that he's just about to join the granddad age cohort, himself.


  1. That's a very sadly self-revealing and pathetic post, Sparky. But I'll give you points for the Ad-Libs reference. Assuming you know who the Ad-Libs were.

    1. Coming from you, I assume it was some lame pop group who played off of the term "ad libitum" which you want to pass off as being of cultural significance. If so, I'd probably have been glad to have missed them.

  2. The Ad-Libs did The Boy From New York City, you sad bastard. Why am I not surprised you didn’t know the source of your own lame joke?😎

    1. You think I bothered to find out the names of the pop groups my older sisters used to listen to on AM radio? I didn't realize I was hearing Buddy Holly and the Crickets until I was in grad school and some young kid was listening to a radio special about them. I said, Oh, THAT was who Buddy Holly was! The last time I thought about that song was when Rhino Records put out a compilation of Girl Group songs and that was on it for some reason. Considering the consequential stuff you don't know and wouldn't know a reference to if it was laid out in front of you, I think I can survive your ridicule for not knowing what was likely a one-hit-wonder from six decades ago.

    2. For example that Queens is only one of the boroughs of NYC and, so, NYC has to be either or more ethnically diverse than Queens but it cannot be less so.
