Friday, March 8, 2024

Oh For Frigs Sake, I Don't Want To Go Over Simp's Old, Tired, Reused Shtick Again

For anyone who wants to see what I had to say about the over-sold "genius" of Ernie Kovacs can go to one of my less used alternative blogs.


  1. "Oh For Frigs Sake"

    For "frigs" sake? Frigs? What is that -- some obscure Norse goddess?

    Seriously, Sparky, your inability to speak colloquial English like a normal American person is really quite remarkable. Especially when you're trying to use profanity.

    1. Simps, you always come off the worse when we fight over language. I don't think the word colloquial means what you think it means, if fact I'm pretty certain you don't have any idea what it means without looking it up and you'd still probably get it wrong. Who says I have to use only colloquial English?

  2. "Who says I have to use only colloquial English? "

    No one says you have to, you simple shithead. But it's hilariously obvious that you don't know how to.

    1. So you still haven't gone to a dictionary and looked up the meaning of the word. Of course, that's not a surprise to me. Considering how much ephemeral slang you and the kew-el kids still affect so late into your senescence, slang that had to start with someone coming up with it, your inability to navigate that one little innovation I used because I wanted to avoid the most overused word in colloquial English, which is more overused than, you know, "and" and "the," I improvised.

      You're a such a fussy old fart, you know that, Simpy.
