Monday, November 6, 2023

By Something Like Popular Demand, I Respond To Simels

 "Simps gets upset when I diss the commercial entertainment industry."

SHORTER SPARKY: Rock-and-roll and comic books caused Juvenile Delinquency.

They would seem to have contributed to your illiteracy and inability to draw a rational conclusion about what someone else said. 

As to taking the potential of comic books being a danger due to the content those hold seriously, I don't have to stand alone in that worry,  it's clear that those who produce them share that worry and it's clear that some of those who draw them intend them to have malignant effects:

For a lot of Americans and non-New Yorkers, the number “212” holds no special significance. Neither does the number “51.” But for comic book artist Ardian Syaf, who slipped the numbers into Marvel’s newest X-Men comic book, they represent an anti-Semitic, anti-Christian message.

It’s particularly inflammatory and disappointing that it was smuggled into the X-Men, a team that’s represented inclusivity, empathy, and tolerance.

Syaf is Indonesian artist, and in Indonesia, “212” denotes a mass protest against Jakarta’s Christian Gov. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Meanwhile, as the comics news websites Bleeding Cool and explain, the number 51 refers to verse in the Quran (Chapter Surah 5, verse 51) that’s been interpreted by those protesting Gov. Purnama in Indonesia to: “Muslims should not appoint the Jews and Christians as their leader.”

In the premiere issue of X-Men: Gold which came out last week, there are a few instances where Syaf surreptitiously inserted the numbers into the comic. You can see an example in the panel below, which features Kitty Pryde, the Jewish-American leader of the X-Men, talking to civilians, and “212” appears on the awning of a building in the background of the scene
. . .   

And that use of comic books goes all the way back to before Simps or I were born, it's a fact of the history of comic books.

The Nazi-controlled government in German-occupied France produced the Vica comic during World War II as a propaganda tool against the Allied forces. The comics represent Nazi influence and perspective within French society. The three issues are Vica au Paradis de l’U.R.S.S, Vica contre le service secret anglais, and Vica défie l’Oncle Sam. The author, Vincent Krassousky (also known as Vica), disappeared in the late 1940s.

The history of comics to promote antisemitism alone is a long one.  The Library of Congress, among its collections, has a trove of German antisemetic cartoons going back to the 1890s.   If you think that the future Nazis might not have imbibed such stuff in their formative years, you are as stupid as an ACLU attorney pretends to be and "justices" on the Supreme Court, as well. 


As for neo-Nazi rock music, for crying out loud, Simps, I thought you were supposed to be an expert in rock music?   I hate it and even I know about that.   You think that doesn't carry any dangers?   If all that John Lennon pretending to be a flower child peace and lovechild junk is supposed to have a positive effect, you can't pretend that without admitting the potential of its opposite to gain influence.  The ACLU line that all this stuff was innocuous was always a lie, maybe that's one of the reasons they duped so many idiots into believing there was a "right to lie" so much of their legal mumbo-jumbo were blatant lies of that kind. 

Update:  And, while I was doing the minimal amount of research necessary to respond to this, I found out that I wasn't the only one who noticed that what I started calling "fascist chic" in the early Reagan years was a real thing, especially as "Nazi chic".   

Nazi chic is the use of style, imagery, and paraphernalia in clothing and popular culture related to Nazi-era Germany, especially when used for taboo-breaking or shock value rather than out of genuine sympathies with Nazism or Nazi ideology.

Its popularity began in the 1970s with the emergence of the Heavy metal, punk and glam rock movements: the Sex Pistols' first television appearance occurred with a person of their entourage wearing a swastika. Nazi chic was later used in the fashion industry.  The trend, while having originated in the Western culture, by the late 20th and early 21st century became particularly popular in Asia. Nazi chic also partly inspired some of the fashion of the leather subculture.  

I noticed it, especially, in the themes and content of Hollywood shit.  Then in pulp publishing.  I associated it with Reagan and it has continued since then all through pop kulcha.   I would call "Celebrity Apprentice,"  a live action comic, as being a part of the wider phenomenon, it gave us Trump as a president, already.

 Update:   45 mins ago
Oh good grief, Sparky, this is just too easy. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel with an AR-15.

Here's a hint, clueless: my use of the phrase "Juvenile Delinquency" was a specific reference to a spcific time in recent American history. Specifically, the 50s, i.e. when humorless prig idiots like you decided that Batman and Robin (obvious homosexuals) and Elvis Presley (lock up your daughters!) were corrupting our youth and had to be stopped, lest the Commies take over!!!

In other words, nothing in your above rant has the slightest relevance to the point I was making, but of course since you have no idea how humor and irony work, that's not exactly a surprise.

None of that has the slightest relevance to the crap in your rant

 I'm not bound to argue on the ever-shifting bull shit that you shift to when you've got nuttin,'  the fact is you generally have nothing.  

 Second: I've been telling you for well over a decade that you should attain a 4th grade ability to use the dictionary, here's what Merriam Webster online - you don't even have to open an ink on paper book, Stupy - says as to the origin of "juvenile delinquency."

juvenile delinquency
1: conduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action
2: a violation of the law committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or life imprisonment

Word History
First Known Use

1816, in the meaning defined at sense 1

As with Trump, clearly someone who was, I believe, born about the time you were and whose rhetorical methods you share, as well,  you seem to believe that the world began about the time you became conscious of it and know nothing else.  There's a lot of that around Eschaton, one of the reason adults fled from there long ago.  Also, nothing outside of the limited repertoire of American, mid-brow so-called erudition exists.   

Shorter Stupy, Nazi and pre-Nazi antisemetic and other propaganda had no effect, at all.   Hey, Simps, the Supreme Court holds the same massively stupid idea, apparently. 

Update 2:

So yes -- you ARE saying that 50s comic books and rock n roll caused Juvenile Delinquency. Good, I'm glad you've cleared that up. :-)

Simps, you're the only one who mentioned "50s comic books and rock and roll. . . "  I'm nobt invested in that narrative.   I doubt most juvenile delinquents of that era were doing much looking at ink on paper.  Though they may have been listening to pop music shit.   I'd think they got most of it through Hollywood crap, it's easier to consume.  

So, let me guess, you heard something about this in the media or through some mid-brow media geared to the geezers with college credentials but no real education.   Let me guess, someone wrote a book about it, you watched the report and didn't read the book.   You're like Susan Stamberg late of NPR.  She couldn't open her mouth without a cliche coming out of it and you can't type on a keyboard without typing them.   That's the difference between having a college diploma and being educated.


  1. Oh good grief, Sparky, this is just too easy. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel with an AR-15.

    Here's a hint, clueless: my use of the phrase "Juvenile Delinquency" was a specific reference to a spcific time in recent American history. Specifically, the 50s, i.e. when humorless prig idiots like you decided that Batman and Robin (obvious homosexuals) and Elvis Presley (lock up your daughters!) were corrupting our youth and had to be stopped, lest the Commies take over!!!

    In other words, nothing in your above rant has the slightest relevance to the point I was making, but of course since you have no idea how humor and irony work, that's not exactly a surprise.

    None of that has the slightest relevance to the crap in your rant

  2. So yes -- you ARE saying that 50s comic books and rock n roll caused Juvenile Delinquency. Good, I'm glad you've cleared that up. :-)
