Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What Did Cassidy Hutchinson Find To Love In Trump's Regime? How Can She Remain a Republican-fascist Now?

I RESPECT WHAT CASSIDY HUTCHINSON has done in exposing the criminality of Trump and his regime of fascists.  I listened to her public testimony with some gratitude.  But now that I've listened to the interview she did with Rachel Maddow and my gratitude for her exposing not just the criminality but also the degeneracy of the Republican-fascists, I can't claim I can really respect her.  Though if she clarified her own actions and motives, I might be able to.   Though I do hope that she grows past whatever it was, I think for the world in general, knowing how someone who clearly has some shred of decency to her could have participated in something so obviously evil.

When she said she used to love Trump and supported what he was doing in his presidency, at the beginning, I have to ask what was it she loved about it.  Did she love them ripping babies out of their mother's arms, separating them and putting the babies in concentration camps with Mylar blankets, sleeping on concrete floors with random nine and eleven year olds to take care of them?  Then there were the ones who were stolen from their families and given to strangers.  Something done by the Nazis, the GRD, during the Dirty War in Argentina, by Putin with Republican-fascists' support to children stolen from Ukraine.  I wonder how many of the then babies and toddlers stolen from their parents are still not with them and now many of the ones who were returned (due in no small part the Trump regime purposely not keeping records of parents and children) will never recover a normal relationship with their families because of Trump and his regime. And that's only one of the truly cruel and evil things he and is henchmen did.  Dozens, scores and hundreds of others could be described here.  

There was nothing hidden about the atrocities, the crimes against humanity that was not only his policy BUT WAS SOMETHING HE PROMISED TO DO AS HE WAS CAMPAIGNING. He said out loud what the likes of Reagan and the Bushes had to imply and symbolically declare, such as the unmistakable support of the most violent of white supremacy in Reagan's announcement of his candidacy in Philadelphia, Mississippi, Bush I's Willie Horton ad.  From start to finish the Trump message was an orgy of hate, his entire life is a specimen of the power of affluent-gangster hate, and racism and a whole catechism of other sins and evil.  He is an example of what is called in the Rite of Baptismal "the glamour of evil" only in his case, a product of Hollywood, TV and the NYC media, it's just as vulgar and crass as can be.  

I'd like someone to ask during her book tour just what it was she loved about the actual acts  that were Trump's administration. Was it the huge giveaway of trillions of dollars to billionaires and millionaires racking up record deficits as he impoverished many in the working class and below, destroying lives even before his further crimes against humanity during the Covid pandemic?  Whipping up racism against Latinos, Asians, Middle-Easterners, Black People - his flagrant racism has been open knowledge AND ADJUDICATED CRIMINALITY by him and his father decades before Cassidy was born.  Him calling for the death penalty for innocent, rail-roaded Black teenagers and slandering of those tortured and murdered by the police goes back decades, too.  His membership in and courting of America's indigenous fascist group, white supremacists was no secret, it was blatant.  

As, by the way, was his treatment of Women.  Since she, rightly, held Matt Gaetz to be a sleaze, how did she overlook it in Trump?  The infamous Access Hollywood tape in which he bragged to the young and stupid Billy Bush about digitally raping women with impunity was certainly something she heard before she chose to join his regime, his infidelity to his wives, his creepy sexualization of his own daughter, his treatment of Hillary Clinton, whipping up to his benefit that other and universal form of endemic fascism, misogyny,* in the last weeks of the 2016 campaign with the help of Republican-fascists like James Comey and the New York Times, leading to him winning through the goddamned Electoral College, not the popular vote. I have every confidence that Comey's policy breaking announcement right before the election was partly motivated by his sexism as it was certainly by the fact that he was a Republican hack.  I wouldn't be surprised if the almost simultaneous lie of an impending indictment in the NYT was inspired by the same.  I despise that paper.  It was one of the organs of media that created Trump to start with and it should never be allowed to live that down.

I'll insert here that anyone who is not working to abolish the Electoral College is colluding with the fascists, there will be another time it delivers an illegitimate regime and in this century they're coming mighty close together.   

Getting back to the question of what there was to like about the Trump regime.  Was it the revealed collusion with some of the worst dictators in the world to ratfuck American democracy?  His courting of Putin's regime during the campaign of 2016?  Soliciting their ratfucking of the American election?  His allowing them to penetrate the Oval Office during his first days in office?  His courting of the Saudi dictators?  The Xi regime in China?  THE FRIGGIN' KIM REGIME IN NORTH KOREA?  Making love to other overtly fascist, murderous dictators as he slammed our closest and most reliable allies?  As he tried to destroy NATO for Putin?  Or was it the indigenous class of traitors, the billionaires who colluded with foreign despots to ratfuck the election for Trump, no doubt anticipating the huge bonanza in making America's taxation system approach the regressivity of that of the Roman Empire.  Is that the policy she liked?  

The listing could go on in things like destruction of the environment, the infrastructure of the country, the educational system, even the Post Office, something listed as a responsibility of the Federal Government from the founding of the country.  Just what was it that a Cassidy Hutchinson found to love in a Trump regime?  How could she, as someone who is held to be a paragon of virtue now, have ever become a part of that?  And working under someone as slimy as Mark Meadows, being friendly with scum like Gaetz?  His history with teenage girls was hardly a secret. I wonder why she was surprised when he  so crudely and creepily hit on her. Perhaps she believed she was too old for him to hit on.

I have to wonder if the January 6th putsch hadn't happened if Ms. Hutchinson would have been proud of her service to the Trump regime.  That attempted putsch was certainly inspired by the successful Brooks Bros. putsch that put Bush II in office two decades earlier and I have yet to hear many Republicans regret their part in the massive and incompetent criminality that led us to two of the worst wars the US has ever been involved with and the crash of 2008.  I have to wonder if the Trump insurrection had succeeded if she would have continued to be a part of it because it's clear the majority of currently enrolled Republicans would have been OK with it.  I suspect there would not have been a major exodus from the Republican-fascist party in the second and interminable term of Trumpery, I doubt there would have been much in the way of opposition in the media or even in  that faded old drab, the New York Times.  Dowd would probably blame it on Hillary.  NPR would have just continued on business as usual.  The networks, too.

I have to wonder what it is about the increasingly fascistic Republican Party, on the trajectory to result in Trumpist style fascism since Barry Goldwater's racist warmonger run in 1964, that such Republicans as became Never Trumpers didn't see coming.  I'm hardly a sophisticated operator or member of the media or pundit class and I've seen it coming literally since I was in my puberty then, so many decades ago.  I've seen former family-tradition Republicans peel off certainly since the crimes of Nixon were revealed, I concluded about the time the likes of Jacob Javits, Mark Hatfield,  Pete McCloskey either died or left the party or died that there was no such thing as a liberal Republican or even one with a shred of decency.  And I don't include Arlen Specter in that group. He, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins never had me fooled for a second.  Certainly anyone who remained after the revelation of babies in concentration camps, children dying under the abusive conditions Trump and his goons held them in could be held to have no shred of decency.  

Anyone who remained in Trump's regime has some explaining to do as to just what it was that Trump was doing that they thought they could support while retaining anything like human decency.   That he was mostly doing it visibly to People of Color and Poor People instead of affluent whites is something I suspect figures heavily in the inability of so many to see it.  That's not uncommon in the United States, the fact that white supremacy IS, in fact, and always has been our indigenous form of fascism, at times here as bad as almost anything that rose up in Europe in the 20th century, was always largely imperceptible to white People, even those of generally better will.  That misogyny is another indigenous form of fascism is even more imperceptible, and that's a shortsightedness that transcends race and ethnicity and religion.  It even transcends gender as mentioned above.

I do have to wonder how anyone in the Republican Party in 2023 can be held to not be an outright fascist when that certainly has been the absolutely clear nature of the Republican Party since Trump's takeover in 2016 and, I assert, certainly after the 2000 putsch by members of the Bush family and the five worst Republicans on the Supreme Court - remembering that two Republicans even then objected to that outrageous ratfucking by the Court.  I certainly don't trust anyone who chooses to remain in the Republican Party, certainly not after the Trump regime, even from before his attempted putsch.  I think that if we can figure out what twisted, amoral mental processes would allow a Cassidy Hutchinson to remain in the Republican Party still, we might start to understand the media that never learns a single damned thing even as they are the ones who produce the evidence that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to American democracy, equality, justice and anything good.  I think James Comey is a good specimen of how an egotistical admiration of ones own virtue can co-exist with support for and commission of the opposite of virtue.  The repugnance I feel for him has a specific smell to it, high price perfume over an overall moral rot.  Maybe there's hope for Cassidy Hutchinson if she does some serious soul searching, she's still young enough to learn something if she's honest about herself, first.

I think money has everything to do with it, from the corporate funding of NPR to the wealth of the owners and advertisers of the New York Times to the financial strategy of FOX Lies to keep their hate addicted audience coming back even when they knew they were spouting lies, even as Rupert reportedly thought Trump was insane and dangerous.  That scumbag's greed is the only epic thing about him, other than his love of money.  St. Paul certainly got that right, it is the root of evil.  Though racism is certainly a strong motive in that party, as well. I don't see how anything within the Republican Party of 2023 can be held to be anything but saturated in it.

* There are Women lynched every day in the United States and around the world for the mere fact of their being Women.  That is something massively supported by media, by institutions, by the law.  In every way misogyny is to Women what Nazism is to Jews and Slavic People (would that today's Slavic Nazis knew that) and what white supremacy is to People of Color.  It seeps in so deeply that even many if not most Women believe it's just some natural and permanent condition of human existence, the price of them being alive.  

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