Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Simp says

"You see "books" anywhere on it? " Here's a clue, Sparky -- "Mein Kampf," "The Turner Diaries" and "The Camp of the Saints" are all books. :-)

Since the topic is what replaces actual truth in the minds of most Americans in 2023, if you believe the average American has ever read any of those books you are even stupider than I had previously believed you to be.  

They may, may have heard of "Mein Kampf" the same way you did, it was mentioned in a movie or TV show or in some mid-brow magazine article.  Like you and easily a majority of those who have been credentialed by a college, they never read it.  

I would bet that fewer have ever even heard of The Turner Diaries, unless they were part of the American neo-Nazi cult and I'd bet you anything fewer than ten percent of those ever read it.   If you think that even .05 percent of Americans have ever heard of "The Camp of the Saints,"  well, I said you've convinced me you're even stupider than I thought you were before.  

Of course, since this graph is about where most Americans get what they mistakenly believe is information,  your comment is entirely beside the point because books don't even make the list.   I think they should require a course in basic statistics before anyone is eligible for a college degree, you wouldn't have passed.   Any legitimate course in statistics WOULD START WITH WHAT THE STUDY WAS ATTEMPTING TO MEASURE IN THE FIRST PLACE.  

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