Friday, June 24, 2022

The Republican-fascist Supreme Court Declares A Shooting War Against We The People

THE SUPREME COURT decision making Americans even more targets and random hits in the shooting gallery they've already made us is either the product of willful and stupid inattention to the epidemic of gun violence that is so regular the smaller mass murders don't make it into the national news in a big way or it is the product of an intentional program to put the most dangerous weapons into the hands of Republican-fascists and their Neo-Nazi and fascist allies so that even if the unlikely happens, egalitarian democracy wins, they will be able to prevent it by even more widespread mass murder and terror.

I don't think there is any plausible other explanation to it and I do, really and fully believe the six Republican-fascist "justices" who rendered that decision gutting the gun control laws in New York are really all in on the contingency plan for their armed allies in the far right to do that.  They certainly have no plausible deniability that they are unaware of the results of their already criminal acts in that regard, those make it into the arguments and the briefs that they are exposed to now.

They have willfully and openly allied themselves with those who are in open warfare against the American People, mostly, for now, people of the under and middle classes, not those who those "justices" really care about "people like us" the white-collar, protected, gated, guarded class which they stupidly think can escape what the federal courts have produced in their reign of judicial dictatorship which, until the president and the Congress refuse to go along with it, will continue to destroy not only the hope for egalitarian democracy but the possibility of a peaceful, decent life, even for the elite-white-rich class that they care about.  

They have created a situation which the police even now find impossible to police, for us, not for them in their well guarded lives - for now at least.   The Ivy League idiots in black robes who sit on that bench stupidly bet that the federal police can protect them from what they are raining down on the rest of us forever.  Well, that's just a good sign of how stupid making believe you can do what the do is.  Let me break it to them, if the German elites of the late 1920s and early 1930s couldn't control the Nazis they put into power,  you guys are never going to do it.  They will consume most if not all of you next time.

It is time for the president and the Congress to declare war on the Supreme Court and to destroy for good the Court-created power not found in the Constitution which declares that that court can exercise the powers of the legislative and the executive in doing something the Constitution never gave them the power to do, to reject laws that the Congress and the President have adopted, even those laws most vital to the protection of the very lives of We The People, against whom the Republican-fascists and especially those who sit right now on the Supreme Court are making war, using the gun-wielding neo-fascist, neo-Nazi terrorists as their instruments of control.  

If you think that's an exaggeration, wait till the next right-wing or crack pot mass murder event, which should be coming anytime now, perhaps as I am posting this piece, it is brought to you by the Supreme Court and sponsored by the Republican Party, Cheney and Kinzinger and Raffensberger and Bowers included.

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