Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Trump Regime And The Pentagon Suppressed Information That Would Have Foretold What Happened In Afghanistan Because It Was Already Happening

SINCE HE KNOWS MORE than I do and he says it so well, if you want to figure out why President Biden refused to stay in Afghanistan longer than Trump's deal stated, Gil Barndollar notes he had two choices, that or a major escalation which would have been no guarantee of success or that it wouldn't have resulted in the same thing happening, with more dead and the United States mired in the Bush II era folly later.   People forget that Joe Biden came to Congress as part of the Vietnam era anti-war generation, we've seen this before and unlike the American media and the pundit class, some of us don't forget that. 

I will note that his bio says he had actually been to Iraq as a member of the military.   Sometimes that seems to make a big difference in the level of realism in what gets said about something. 

The suppression of bad news in the Trump years and big media ignoring the war for even longer is responsible for the shock at how fast it unraveled.  

I would like to know how many of the Americans who remained even after they were encouraged to leave had been there to make money and how many of them were doing work for the Afghan People, I'm betting most of them got in the trouble they're in now through their own greed and refusal to face reality, though they may have been gulled into complacency by the Trump regime suppression of evidence, too.

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