Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Higher Rearrangment Of Prejudices

ONE THING MY recent fall back into the bad habit of engaging with an idiot has taught me is that for many, perhaps especially those with mere college-credentialing, the idea of thinking, of reasoning, of being informed is merely a matter of reciting the common received "wisdom" of their own conventional ideological preference community, it has nothing to do with fact checking and testing for the rationality of conclusions.  In fact, if you do those two basic acts of responsible scholarship - something they should have started teaching them in about the fifth-grade - you will be regarded as a idiot if you point out the gap between evidence supported truth and what they like to hear repeated.  

I think there's a lot to be learned in why the major venues of the left, the old ones like The Nation and The Progressive, the newer ones like In These Times and the "new media" venues are stuck in the same ever replenished pile of bull shit that the Marxist-anarchist-"free thinking" (read "atheist") left has been in since Karl Marx was alive and distancing himself from the Marxists, not that they took the clue from him.   The anti-religious play-left has never produced shit even as they never produced anything else but that and defeat for the real left.   

There's definitely a means of diagnosing the reason for the failure of the left after 1968 in that.  And from what I see, the Marxists and anarchists are giving their own version of prion disease to the younger generation of lefties.  Don't look to people so gulled to make any headway in defeating the neo-Soviet push for world-wide fascism.   I notice that The Nation was again carrying Putin's water the other day as it once did earlier Russian dictators, though often once removed through the dear old, poor, victimized American commies.  Always beware of a trust-fund lefty bearing funding.   I can imagine some of its better writers are pretty disgusted with the owners.

It's been years since I saw an ink on paper copy, does that personal ad for proving Jesus was a fake still run there?  I wish I had piles of old copies to see if, as I recall, it pretty much appeared in every one of them.  It's like certainly did.  But those have all long since gone to recycling.

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