Sunday, June 20, 2021

Take A Day Off To Catch Up With The Weeding And Some Sleep And I'm Accused Of Supporting The USCCB Denying Biden Of Communion

SUCH A STUPID ACCUSATION made by someone who doesn't believe in the sacrament and doesn't have the slightest clue what it means.   It almost makes me nostalgically recall the day when one of Duncan's rump at what used to be a moderately weak force in 00s politics accused me of being a Fenian, probably to the confusion of just about every low to mid-mid-brow, TV educated, college-credentialed person who read it at Duncan's  self-identified "brain trust."  They really call themselves that.   It was about the same time that the same Brit-atheist carnivore who advocated the eating of horse meat accused me, an animal-rights vegetarian since I was a teenager,  of sharing in the guilt of the equine-assassination of the race horse Shergar decades earlier.  I don't even approve or horse racing since so many animals get killed by that industry on a routine basis to no crocodile tears shed by anyone.  Such were the late 00s at that place.  Scratch a Brit-atheist you'll find an Orange-man, like the Klan, some of the worst of those are women.  For the record, I'm opposed to all secret socieites, that leading to lies and deceit is just the start of that.  Including the IRA, the Knights of Columbus (fascist clowns only dangerous) and the goddamned Orange Order.  From what I've seen the quality of the dissidents at Duncan's has diminished to the point where they've turned on each other out of stupidity and boredom.   I doubt anything that complex as a form of  mendacity is used there now.   Simps is simple as he annoys them.  I warned him about a year ago he'd turn as boring as Uncle Milty had by 1960 as he ended up doing an early Saturday night bowling show that didn't run long.   Comedy ages and then just becomes annoying if you don't change it.

The USCCB doesn't have the power to deny Joe Biden Communion, that power resides mostly in his own Bishop in Washington and he said he wouldn't do that or the Pope who warned the bishops against doing what they're doing.  But when did atheist bigots ever let accuracy get in the way of a bit of bigotry, ignorantly and stupidly deployed?   The USCCB can get stuffed as far as I'm concerned.  I haven't checked to find out if the vote on writing the policy has been made public to see if the local bishop here supported it or not, I'm not even aware of what the Bishop in Portland is named these days, to tell you the truth.  A huge percentage of its membership have thoroughly discredited themselves, the JPII Benedict XVI minions of mediocrity in service to neo-fascist billionaires and multi-millionaires. 

It does remind me that I'd intended after Covid was under control, if it ever is, to try to get people to start an intentional Eucharistic community here.  It takes a community to do that, not an individual, I certainly wouldn't want non-Catholics to be excluded.   I'm Catholic Plus, I don't feel any need of the approval of the USCCB.  

I doubt the one who made the accusation understood any of that.  Well, maybe the bit about eating horse meat.  If the NYT Sunday features section had a recipe they'd probably go shopping for some so they could brag about it to their fellow "brain trusters" - they really do call it that.

1 comment:

  1. Journalism is the "First Draft" of history; well, only if that first draft is thrown on the fire and completely forgotten does it have any relationship to "history."

    What the USCCB did and what was reported depended entirely on what article you read, and I don't mean an RC publication. The NYT and HuffPo reported on the same conference, but you'd have thought it was too different sets of bishops from two different planets. Yes, some of the more extreme Bishops want to cut off Biden from the eucharist, but as you point out they can't do that, except in their dreams. This is nakedly about power, among a fringe of the fringe. But power is what American media understands, so that's the story: even when it's impotent power that can't really do anything.
