Monday, January 25, 2021

News To The National News, Stop Pretending Susan Collins Isn't As Much A Hypocritical Piece of Shit As Lindsay Graham

One thing you have to understand about Maine is that while its Democrats and a large proportion of its independent voters are moderate to liberal, it's Republicans are as benighted and or fascistic as Republicans around the country are.  Any informed, decent Republicans left that foul thinking cess pool before now.  They and the various 3rd party and independent candidates who get easy access to Maine's ballot (I said that Democrats in Maine are moderate to liberal, some of them have been damned stupid in their "reforms") put the proto-Trumpian fascist Paul LePage into the governorship for eight years.  Like Trump kicking Nixon out of the "worst president of all time"out of lowest place, LePage knocked the former Republican Jock McKernan (aka Mr. Olympia Snowe) out of the worst Maine governor in living memory position. 

Maine is the way it is through the past stupidity of 1970s liberals in the legislature thinking it would be groovy to get 3rd  party names on the ballot and the fact that the  broadcast electronic media dominant in the state is solidly establishment Republican,  including the influential public radio network MPBN.   They went all out to get the putrid Susan Collins put back into the Senate this year, the "news" coverage may as well have been written by her campaign.   Maine has long been duped through the media and Susan Collins and, to the same extent, the retired Olympia Snowe doing the least possible to maintain the implausible fable of their "moderate" Republican status.  Of the two Susan Collins was always the more reliable for Republicans and because of that she was always the bigger phony of the two.  

Anyone who expected Susan Collins in what is likely her planned last term as Senator (she originally pledged to Mainers she would not stay more than two terms in the Senate, a promise she was allowed to break with impunity) she will do what Susan always wanted to do and ususally did do, what was good for Susan Collins, her rich DC Lobbyist husband and the Republican-fascist party.  I think Mitt Romeny is more reliably a person of something like principle than Collins who has always been only as honorable as she figured she had to be to maintain the fiction that she peddled to voters in Maine who should have known better by last fall.  

Anyone who thought she would vote for a 15 dollar minimum wage, the rest of Joe Biden's Covid-19 rescue package out of some principle or even shame at having voted for Trump-McConell's billionaire tax-break bill (she said she was as proud of that on "principle" as she was her vote to put Kavanaugh on the court) is an idiot

Susan Collins never did have any character other than self-interest, she is a typical Maine Republican who is selfish and stingy and as hollowly sanctimonious as Chuck Grassley.   She is a fraud, she always has been as I've been telling Mainers for more than three decades.   There's nothing surprising in her proving what a piece of shit she is.

Joe Biden and Senate Democrats may, to some extent, win over Lisa Murkowski or Mitt Romeny, maybe even Ben Sass, but they should forget about Susan Collins who is dependable only the extent to which she figures there's something in it for her.   I would say that her blatant opposition to help that the working poor of Maine need while proclaiming her pride in giving hundreds of billions to billionaires means that she is freed from her plans to not seek another term in five years and she can be as awful as she was about 95% of the time.

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