Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Hate Mail - End Of The Year Fun

I wouldn't exactly call it a New Year's tradition, me making fun of whatever non-entity they got to intone the dreary atheist dirge, "Imagine" at Times Square, I don't do it every year. Sometimes I ignore NYC on NYE entirely. 


It is one of the stupidest and worst songs ever written by a hack in about five minutes, a song that proves that in addition to other subjects music education has fallen apart in the post-war period, as millions mumble out of tune along with the generally out of tune mumbling of whatever paid artiste they get to do it. 


It's like Amazing Grace only without any melody, even more banal lyrics, no grace and the only amazement that people didn't mock it into oblivion decades ago. John Lennon getting himself shot probably accounts for the faux piety surrounding it, it he'd only gotten as old, nasty and cranky as Orson Bean did it would probably not hold the position in pop-kulcha that it does. I'll bet he'd have been a Trump supporter.

Imagine sucks. I'd rather hear any song by George Harrison that I can remember than it, any day. 


Oh, I almost forgot,  Gloria Gaynor belting "I Will Survive" is one of the things I credit with having driven me out of going to bars.  I don't think I entered one after about 1979, maybe before.   Disco was a blight on everything.  But I do thank her and her fellow belters for keeping me out of bars.


Update: Why anyone in and around the incoming Biden administration should care what Duncan Black thinks about anything is a thing that doesn't exist.

That he is already bitching and tearing down Biden, who did more by merely winning the election, keeping Trump from occupying the office for four more years than all of the play-lefties in the entirety of American history is reason enough for him and anyone else who cares about reality instead of play-lefty playtime and attention getting to totally ignore him and his idiot resident geezers. The time of the play lefties has passed only they're too busy playing to notice that that. Duncan's old before his time.


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