Thursday, October 15, 2020

This Is The Rule From Now On And No Comity and Tradition Spouting Democrat Should Be Allowed To Forget It


I had to turn off the Senate Judiciary hearings because I can't ever get to the Bar Association part of the exercises without feeling like punching some well-maintained teeth down some eloquent lying throats.

My hope lies in the time when Sheldon Whitehouse gets to make good on the threat he made this morning, that the Republicans shouldn't figure that their rules lapse as soon as Democrats get an effective majority in the Senate. I hope he gets to make good on that in a few months as he gets the record Grassley and Trump hid during the Kavanaugh process and the ones that will be successfully buried by the schedule Graham and McConnell and, really, every single Republican-fascist has made this time. I hope he goes after them and that he at the very least forces the rapist Kavanaugh off of the court. In my deepest hopes I hope he exposes the almost obvious corruption of Alito and others on the court and the dark money that are the puppet theater of this court and these confirmation processes.

I'm hoping the voters give us that Democratic majority but I'm not going to hold my breath. I think if the Republicans maintain control of the Senate, especially if Trump is put in through the combination of voter suppression and dark money that the Supreme Court permitted to twist our elections that the days of the United States are numbered. I cannot think that New England, New York, other Middle-Atlantic states, the three contiguous Pacific states will tolerate Republican-fascist rule in perpetuity, I can't imagine that by the end of the year the Supreme Court won't be the most hated institution in the country, Amy Coney Barrett the most hated woman in the country, a status she will have richly deserved by that time. I hope the Democrats win and they radically reform this corrupt court and the corruption that has been allowed to swamp democracy through its rulings. In my deepest of wishes, I wish that after two and maybe more elections rigged by the Electoral College and Republican-fascist manipulation in our lifetimes, with the help of three sitting "justices" on that court, we will be finally able to get rid of it for popular election by the winner of the popular vote.

I will add that I hope that vote-by-mail and ranked-choice voting will become universal in the United States. I did not do a ranked choice vote this time because there are phony third party candidates trying to throw the election to the Republican-fascists on the ballot and I will do nothing that will add to their credibility. No one who does not want to cast a vote for a second or third choice needs to. I have not this time though I think it is one of the best things we have done in Maine for a long, long time.

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