Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The United States Supreme Court Is In A State Of Treason Against Democracy It Can't Be Allowed To Operate As It Has

"They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again."

That, of course was Trump admitting on FOX the other day that Republicans are for suppressing the vote because if most people voted, Republicans would be out of power.   And that has been something Republicans have always known, as the oligarchs who wrote the Constitution knew, one of the reasons they adopted the safety valves for oligarchy, the Electoral College, the Senate, confirmation of the Supreme Court by the blatantly anti-democratically structured Senate, that anti-democratic structure something retained even after the putrid Constitution was amended to allow for Senators to be chosen by direct vote, not by state legislatures. 

And it is why the United States Supreme Court under Republican-fascist domination, federal courts and state courts under Republicans have sought every means at their disposal to either enhance Republican state governments to suppress the vote to favor Republicans and to thwart Democrats' and others attempts to protect and expand the vote and elections.  

The United States Supreme Court, since the mid 1970s has actively involved itself with corrupting the elections in the United States, both through the permission of money to dominate, along with such entities as the ACLU, and through blatant efforts to suppress the votes of citizens with a legitimate right to vote.  

The criminal, treasonous antics of the Republican-fascist majority on the U.S. Supreme Court in relation to elections proves that the Supreme Court should have been reigned in after Bush v. Gore and disciplined by Democrats in the brief period when they held the other two branches of government.   It is clear that the Republicans on it, now that Stevens is retired, dead and gone, are blatant partisan political actors who may, once in a blue moon vote to reign in some of Trump's more shamelessly blatant and illegal acts but which will ALWAYS promote partisan Republican interests.

With what the fascists on the court did in regard to the Wisconsin election, a blatant attempt to thwart democracy in a time of national crisis, acting blatantly on behalf of Republican interests in Wisconsin and the country is a warning that, as the Rehnquist Court did in Bush v. Gore, they intend to install Republicans in offices wherever they can by suppressing the vote in whatever way they can.  It is a blatant attack on electoral democracy from the unelected Court, WHICH, SINCE IT IS UNELECTED IS THE BRANCH FARTHEST FROM THE LEGITIMACY THAT ONLY A VOTE OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE CAN GIVE TO A GOVERNMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART. 

The blatant political actions of the unelected Supreme Court delegitimates  it, the members of it who vote to suppress elections, to allow Republican-fascists to corrupt elections are in a state of treason against the legitimate governance of the country.  In a real democracy, they would be impeached and tried, in a real democracy what they are doing would be not merely illegal but considered to be an act of war against the legitimate governance of the country, against the absolute foundation of legitimate government THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. 

The United States Supreme Court, despite the absurdly sanctity it has been held in, has always been the source of some of the most blatantly oligarchic inhibition and prevention of egalitarian democracy since it was dominated by slave owners who repeatedly made decisions that favored, not only their class, but themselves and by Republicans in the period when that party went from a brief burst of anti-slavery idealism to the corruption that came in with the Grant and Hayes administrations, acting on behalf of the wealthy who the Republican Party have, ever since, acted for.  

Getting over the sanctimonious view of that most corrupt and anti-democratic part of the Federal government is probably the first hurdle to protecting democracy from them.  Remember that the next time you hear the pious tone of voice in someone reporting on the court or, really, about the profession of the law.  The aura of civic sanctity in regard to the Supreme Court is best dissolved by looking at its long history of protecting and promoting slavery, the subjugation of women, of benefiting the rich and powerful, of promoting their own class interests and even personal benefit.   

The first thing I'd do is take them out of those friggin' qausi-clerical robes that make them seem like high-priests to people stupid enough to mistake the costume for the actor wearing it.   And I would make them subject to confirmation in both the Senate and the House,  since they gave themselves the power to overturn laws duly adopted by the legislative branch, they should have to submit to the approval of the entire Congress, not just the far less democratically legitimate part, the less than fifth of it.   

The second thing I would do is limit them to a ten year term, no one should get to sit in that kind of judgement till decrepitude or death removes them, those are not reliable enough means of removing the majority of mediocre and terrible hacks who have sat on that court.  There is no reason that the fate of the country should rest on a Ruth Bader Ginsberg lasting for another year or more in her fragile state of health.  

If American democracy is to survive the Bush II and now Trump regimes, this attack on egalitarian democracy, the reign of Murdochian-Trumpian fascism, there will have to be a showdown which results in the Courts, packed with fascists by Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Lindsay Graham, etc. having their powers to nullify laws removed.   The Congress and Executive must declare that any court action to the effect THAT LEGITIMATE VOTES ARE NOT TO BE COUNTED OR EVEN CAST IN THE MOST BLATANT OF PARTISAN VOTER SUPPRESSION is illegitimate and, indeed, for any judge or "justice" to try to do so will result in their removal and prosecution.   The courts are the open enemy of egalitarian democracy right now and they have often been for the entire existence of that court and many other courts.  

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