Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Roberts Court The Most Overtly Fascist Court In Modern Times Should Be Where Judicial Tyranny Ends

We have been or may well be about to get a crash course in the matter of how  The Congress adjourns and who adjourns it,  I will admit I am no expert in it but I am finding it interesting to think about what would happen if the Trumpian-Repubican-fascist Supreme Court majority wrote an order in regard to whether or not the Congress is adjourned if it wasn't the Congress, itself that determined that. 

Would the Roberts Court really risk the Congress telling them to take their decision and put it where the sun doesn't shine?   Wouldn't it be ironic if the Roberts Court were the one to finally have gone so far too far that the Congress or a Democratic executive had had enough and ended the Supreme Court created powers that mere custom have kept in place since the time of John Marshall, powers of review that until the 20th century were used only twice, in Marbury v Madison and the horrible Dred Scott decisions?   I am guessing that Roberts and his fellow Federalist fascist colleagues are that arrogant and would risk it in order to back up even the totally degraded Trump because he has an "R" after his name.  

The question then is if the Congress will acquiesce to the judicial tyranny in which the Supreme Court put itself in charge of the Congressional calendar.  I would say that a good way for them to resist would be to finally drive a stake through the extra-Constitutional powers the Court gave itself and to destroy a number of the Court created abominations such as coproprate "personhood," the equation of money with speech,  "rights" of corporations and the ability of the Supreme Court to inhibit the most legitimate level of government by participating in voting suppression schemes.  

It's time to face the fact that an enormous amount of the corruption that has resulted in Trump came directly from the Supreme Court, the least democratic of the three branches, the one which has given itself powers that were never ratified by any legislature elected by The People or The People, themselves. 

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