Friday, February 28, 2020

Consider The Part That Lies Are Playing In This Emerging Pandemic - And Stupidity - A Rant

I just read a health professional say that pneumonia cases not related to the flu should be considered as possible Corvid-19 infections - I just spent the last several days with someone who fits that description and I've been volunteering in public this week.  WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T ANYONE SAY THAT BEFORE I MIGHT HAVE KILLED PEOPLE?  Now I have no idea what I should be doing about it.  If you think I'm pissed off about it.  No,  I'm spewing molten lava angry about it.  

I am amazed at the college-credentialed response to the emerging pandemic, people are talking as if elective world travel on adventure-pleasure trips isn't grotesquely irresponsible at this time.  It's like they understand nothing about what health officials - real ones, not Trumpzi-regime ones - are saying about what has to be done to lessen the impact.  

Some of them are downright Trumpian in their idiotic, irresponsible insouciance.  If there's something I hate, it's irresponsible insouciance.  

As for the Trump regime and the idiots it has in charge of things, a lot of that you can thank the cabloids and other TV networks who promoted the Tea Party AstroTurf fraud during the first two years when Republican-fascists were taking advantage of the racist backlash against Obama.  Pompeo, Mulvaney, etc. were brought to power through that billionaire fraud.  Lies kill, lies broadcast on cable and TV and the internet and hate-talk radio kill thousands and millions.  Yet out Supreme Court empowers lies and the lying liars who lie them.  By the time it starts killing those geezers in black robes, it will be way too late. 

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