Friday, October 11, 2019

The Origin Of The End Of The Possiblity Of Democracy Which Will Not Be Named

I have not been sympathetic to Lindsay Graham, the lying, in the closet, gay, Republican-fascist of South Carolina in the past.  I loathe him.   Now that his particular chickens have come home to roost in Trump going with whatever the Turkish dictator Erdogan dangled in front of him by way of real-estate deal or slander on Joe Biden or flattery, in one of the most disgustingly irresponsible betrayals of recent American policy, I don't feel sorry for him.  This one is so bad that even Lindsay Graham, a flattering sycophantic little scumbag of Trumpery is publicly critical of it. 

“By abandoning the Kurds we have sent the most dangerous signal possible — America is an unreliable ally and it’s just a matter of time before China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea act out in dangerous ways.“
Oh, NOW Lindsay Graham understands what the disaster HIS political party has wreaked in the world, now with his own strong-man, Trump, in the last decade with the Republican-fascist Dick Cheney, and the Republican Supreme Court imposed George W. Bush, which resulted in the start of the fall of what Trump is restarting in this latest disaster.   

What should have been apparent in international relations was that Turkey under strong-man gangster rule is not a reliable partner in NATO - as so many of the once Marxist-gangster run, now capitalist-gangster run countries in Eastern Europe.   

What is obvious in American politics is that the Republican Part is, in fact, a fascist party, now that the last of the merely aristocratic old-Republicans a William Weld, here and there excepted, are passed from the scene.  

What is also obvious in every one of the frustrating cries from liberals, moderates and even some sane Republicans about the disaster that people believing lies that obviously would result by permitting the media to lie, are destroying the possibility of American democracy and democracy elsewhere.  

Yesterday morning I started counting up the major instances of media figures going into detail about the disaster, in the form of the Trump regime and things like Brexit and the rise of 21st century fascism in the once believed reliable democracies of post-WWII Europe and couldn't keep up.  And I'm not the obsessive news junkie I once was.   Wednesday night everyone from Rachel Maddow to Samantha Bee, who did major pieces about the consequence of media's and social media's ACLU style First Amendment granted ability to lie with impunity to minor mentions of it in virtually every news item I read about Trump - lies being the non-secret to his success - Putin, Boris Johnson, etc.  noted that it all starts and finishes in lies told, lies sold, lies believed.  


In the United States our slide into fascism is datable, it happened in the time when the American Congress was passing one after another item extending equality, extending doing better for the least among us as the United States Supreme Court granted immunity to the media to lie about that and the politicians who were doing that in the Sullivan Ruling.  As I've pointed out,  Nixon lost in 1960 before that Supreme Court ruling on behalf of the New York Times, he won in 1968, the first presidential election after that ruling.  Republicans have increasingly ridden the wave of media lies to power ever since, even now coming to a point where very conservative Republicans are some of the loud voices complaining about the result in Trump, even such as who could tolerate George W. Bush-Dick Cheney, who in so many ways, with the Rehnquist and then Roberts Republican-fascist courts paving the way for Trump with such extensions of the Supreme Court "free speech free press" rulings as Citizens United and others to reimpose Jim Crow era voter suppression.  

I have yet to hear any major figure in the media admit the role that it has played in this, the New York Times, the beneficiary of that first disastrous ruling allowing lies, is a full member in regularizing Republican-fascism, even, in some ways, its worst, Trumpian form.   It was part of the New York City media that helped create Trump as a celebrity and a person who has gone from playing a media strong-man to one in real life.  I have yet to hear anyone in the media talk about the role that the New York Times played in allowing Trump to use lies to get power.  Allowing the media he spreads his lies in,  Cable TV, network TV, hate-talk radio,  Twitter, Facebook, etc. to make money off of those lies with the impunity that the Supreme Court gave them in 1964 to lie with impunity.   Even such journalists who try to tell the truth,  Maddow, Charles Pierce, all of them, really, will not tell that truth.  That it is the very permission given to their media, their employers, themselves, to lie that is the original sin that Putin's gangsters recognized and used along with the domestic billionaires and millionaires who did even more than Putin did to bring us down to the point we have reached.  

The media was always only as honest as the law forced them to be, in that it as never, as a collective assembly that law could be made about, any better than it faced consequences for lying.  The good, virtuous media that strove to present fact and analyze it was never going to be dangerous for democracy, in so far as they served egalitarian ends.  The problem is that their ability to tell truth that they could back up was not in danger, so long as egalitarian democracy was in the ascendant.   They should have always realized that giving the media permission to lie was going to empower the gutter media, the media that would lie for money, that would lie in the interest of its owners and advertisers would eventually get to the point where those who got power through those lies would endanger their ability to tell the truth, that lies constructed to appeal to the worst in us, and so be easier to sell was bound to destroy democratic government through destroying the ability of people to elect government that would not be in the hands of gangsters.   

If, as I believe it will, the American media either sees what truth it tells swamped by such well planned, well constructed, easily sold lies or their ability to tell the truth without the kind of danger journalists under Putin are in for telling the truth, it is because they refused to acknowledge that truth I put in all caps above.  I don't feel sorry for them in that failure.  They deserve it.  We, The People, don't, the Kurds don't, people who were murdered by the Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and II and now Trump didn't deserve it. 

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