Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"blah, blah blah, blah" - Hate Mail

That's why I have the name The Thought Criminal.  I think about things that are forbidden to be thought about.  I always do so trying to be faithful to the moral principle of equality for everyone, the very substance of The Equality Commandment,  and, as my friend RMJ put it so well, other things don't matter, People matter.  Though I'd include animals and living creatures and the world they need to live in that.  It's an irony that it was the King James translation that puts "in his favor is life"* into my mind at this point. Other translations don't put it quite that way. 

* Psalm 30:5

I'm out for the rest of the day, emergency call.


  1. You named yourself, and like a self-made men, you're not too careful in choosing your maker.

    1. "and like a self-made men"

      I chose the name when the commentators at the feminist blog I wrote for kept telling me I was saying forbidden things.

      I know you think you're being clever but your comment doesn't quite get there.
