Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hate Mail - Inherit The Flatus

I have written thousands and thousands of words refuting the common-received idiocy over the movie Inherit The Wind in response to such comments made by that idiot and other's at Duncan's daycare for college credentialed duffers.  That experience shows me that the only wind that Duncan's dolts have inherited is blown out of that guy's ass. 

Word search at the upper left-hand corner, "inherit the wind" "clarence darrow" read what I wrote, it's all fully evidenced with citations and links.  It's a waste of my time to do it again, those idiots never learn a thing that counters their preferred, movie-delivered narratives.   They're really no more sophisticated than people who think TV charcters are real, they really believe that movie represents the men of the time, they really do believe Clarence Darrow was Spencer Tracy.  Having read in Scotty Bower's book about him providing Tracy with guys to have sex with, himself being one of those, Spencer Tracy wasn't really Spencer Tracy, and Hepburn was his beard as he was hers.  

Clarence Darrow wasn't really Henry Drummond.  In the real story, Darrow screwed up the trial for the ACLU by turning it into a grandstand for himself (he really didn't know much about the science). Darrow probably did more to set back the teaching of evolution in the schools than anyone else in the courtroom. 

Update: That's stupid even for Stupy.  The fact that he knows his fellow duffers NEVER, EVER fact check his lies keeps him from trying to make them match what I actually said.  Amorality is a sign of stupidity and laziness is a leading cause of stupidity.  It's endemic over there. 

1 comment:

  1. Wait, that movie is not an historical documentary? How is this possible?

    You really can't fix stupid, can you? Anywhere you find it, it's the same.
