Sunday, March 24, 2019

. . . Everyone Has One, And They Usually Stink, Too

Looking back over what I've written about it, I don't think I've ever expressed great hopes that Robert Mueller's investigation would get rid of Trump.  I've written in support of allowing the investigation to continue and condemning the clear and constant attacks on it from Trump and Republican-fascists who support him.  I've never expressed the kind of absolute faith in Mueller because I don't tend to have a lot of faith in people who were and remained Republicans through till today and I remember all too well the romantic fantasies that so many on the left had in regard to Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into the political outting of Valerie Plame.  Fantasies that were based on the un-firm foundation of absolutely no information about what Fitzgerald was finding and what he would say, in most cases based on having absolutely no idea at all about what the legal basis of such an investigation and what it was finding and based in something that not even Fitzgerald knew, what was there that he may not have managed to uncover.  Basing anything like hopes on these kinds of investigations - especially substituting the opinions and speculations that have come to replace reporting of fact in the United States and elsewhere in the English speaking world - is foolish.

That said, as of now we don't really know what Mueller said in his report because it's in the hands of the corrupt political hack William Barr, the man who wrote Bush I's massive cover-up pardons so that criminal could go into retirement from which he engineered his son's stealing of the presidency and so much more.  Those hope-dashing aspects of this are what we can have more reliable ideas about, the system is rigged as Bush I escaping consequences for his crimes and his son after him should teach us.  While Mueller has had some success in prosecuting and getting guilty pleas from those around Trump, the record of even the most stalwart of responsible investigators have proven themselves rather reticent in going after a Republican president.  I'd even point out that it was the worst man to have held such a prosecutorial post in modern history, Ken Starr did it to Bill Clinton by totally throwing out any ideas of ethics or rules or even a regard for possible consequences.  He has suffered nothing for his own corruption in that regard, the Republican establishment and media have made sure that won't happen, which gets us back to the question of why someone of Mueller's reputation for integrity and respect for the rule of law remains a member of part of such a party, and enjoys the rewards given out, so notably, to such Republicans in his profession.

I am writing this because looking online at news I'm finding news organizations asking man on the street type of people what they think about the Mueller Report WHICH NONE OF THEM, "REPORTER" OR "MAN ON THE STREET" HAVE SEEN OR HAD ANY REAL REPORTING ON BY PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN IT.   They have no idea what Mueller put in the report,they have no idea what he may have left out of it as the passed on information to other investigators, federal and state, they have no idea whatsoever to have a thought or, far worse, base any opinion on.   And this is given the name journalism in the United States.   And as I write this I don't have any idea what the results of the Mueller investigation will be.  For all I know it will flower into a growing field of indictments and convictions, it might fulfill the wildest dreams of my fellow opponents of Trumpism and Republican fascism.   As of this Sunday morning, not 48 hours after the report was sent to Barr,  I have no idea how it will turn out.  None. 

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