Saturday, March 9, 2019

Blather From The Affluent "Left" Do You Really Believe Natashia Lennard Or John Iadarola Would Really Be OK With Their Children, Siblings, Parents, Spouses Going Into "Sex Work"?

I clicked on this couple of privileged white people celebrating what they hope is the impending decriminalization of men renting other peoples' vaginas, anuses and mouths and whatever to screw as chosen by the person renting their body and mind and soul.  I posed the question to them, who in their families they would really be OK with going into "sex work," I didn't expect an answer and, as of yet, haven't received one.

Something tells me that neither Lennard (Cambridge University - Columbia University) or John Iandarola (University of Connecticut*) would really be OK with their daughter or son, sister or brother, wife or husband, mother or father going into "sex work" and they really wouldn't be OK with having the "sex industry" at their kids school career day recruiting people to go into that line of "work".  They really wouldn't be OK with it if their spouse or someone else engaged a "sex worker" and picked up an STD from them which they brought home to them - though, obviously, they have no problem with the "workers" being infected by their "customers" as that's an inherent risk of "sex work".  Nor are they really bothered by the real nature of prostitution when it's for people unconnected to them.

Of course, there's little chance other than one of their family members becoming addicted to opiates or the such being forced by circumstances into that line of "work" so the question isn't one they will ever face in real life or have much of a reason to believe they will face in all of the much too real reality that facing that entails.

What we see here is the lower level of the economic elite being OK with the underclass who are the majority of those forced or enticed into the dangerous, degrading, spirit killing institution of temp-enslavement, prostitution, something which they would never be in favor of for their nearest and dearest.  Lennard is clearly in favor of the men who rent women and men and children for such use never having to worry about being arrested for it.  There's some argument to be made to not victimize the victims of prostitution by arresting them but there is no good argument in favor of not arresting johns.   There is nothing liberal, nothing feminist, nothing good about their stand.  This is the depth of elitist "leftism". 

Now that I've given up on the nadir of formerly famous lefty blog communities, maybe I should, from time to time, click on things like this that show up in my side-bar.  It's a good way to keep track of the stupidest things that are being said on the alleged left. If either Lennard or Iadarola answer the questions, I'll let you know.  Don't hold your breath.  The only time one of them ever answered these questions, he was lying.

* His Young Turks bio says: 

After earning his BA in Political Science at the University of Connecticut, John abandoned a promising career in academia, lured away from a Ph.D program in Government at the University of Texas to join The Young Turks in LA to talk about news and politics and — just maybe — become a bona fide YouTube celebrity.

John is, he acknowledges, one of the bigger nerds at TYT – an unapologetic board game enthusiast, volleyball aficionado and krav maga practitioner who spends what little free time remains streaming video games on Twitch and playing with his dog, Helo.

Somehow, I doubt that there is anyone with a close family connection to Iandarola who he'd be really OK with going into "sex work". 

1 comment:

  1. True liberation will be when I can rent other people's bodies without consequence to me! Viva la revolution!
