Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Sam Dann - Hung Jury

Howard da Silva
Robert Dryden
Guy Sorel
Joan Shay
Catherine Byers

This is a pretty old-fashioned style of radio drama more or less chosen at random from the 1970s-80s CBS Mystery Theater, some of which is collected at Archive dot org as Himan Brown's Mystery Theater.  Himan Brown, the announcer, apparently was the primary force behind it.  It's a large collection of well produced dramas, a lot of them originally written for the series, some of them adaptations.

I have to say that it's not my favorite style - too much like TV -  but it is popular, the program was on commercial radio for a number of years well after the "golden age" of radio drama.  You might like to sample it.

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