There isn't any reason to doubt that Deborah Ramirez, seeing the treatment that Christine Blasey Ford has received would be extremely reluctant to bring such an accusation if she didn't feel compelled by her conscience to tell the truth. That fact should add some weight in evaluating who you're going to believe.
I do know that something very like what she said was given a name by the prep-school-private-college crowd I knew years earlier, especially the jock-frat boy segment of that. I heard something very like what she describes being done to her called "Italian sit-ups" by some of them as they hilariously recounted either being a participant in or a witness to such sexual abuse and humiliation of unsuspecting and drunk women too inexperienced to realize they were being set up. That was apparently an ingrained part of such preppy-fratboy-jock lore that I heard that about twenty-two eighteen (sorry, checked the date it was) years before the time Brett Kavanaugh would have been doing what he's accused of doing. I was never heavily involved with that milieu of college students, I didn't choose to socialize with the ones I heard that from, they were pigs. I changed dorms.
There is indeed nothing new under the sun