Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hate Mail

I wonder how many of them, without googling, could tell you anything about Paul Dirac* who regularly appears in the top 10 of physicists on polls of people in physics.  I wonder how many of them could tell you anything about Enrico Fermi who has been called "the last physicist" meaning the last person who made major contributions in both theoretical and experimental physics.  

You know, you don't have to be in the top 10 to do important stuff or to be an admirable person.  Well, I suppose there wouldn't be any way to suspect someone who isn't admirable and does nothing important would know anything about that, so cancel that part of the last sentence. 


Stupy is getting more unhinged about me not posting his comments, his lies as to what I said are getting ever more extreme.   I've never said there was no reason to believe in the Big Bang, that's just him lying.  So, planes landed safely, the sun rose on schedule, water is wet.   

* Dirac, a extreme specimen of  Brit-atheism has been called the quintessential reductionist whose ignorance of philosophical issues led him to make some rather stupid statements, which has become typical of such scientists.   Even a great genius can be totally stupid in a field outside of their area of competence.  And so many of them are.  Those who are universally stupid at least have that to help them feel arrogant. 

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