Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hate.... blah, blah, blah

You go out to an appointment and come back to news that Simple Simels has attributed something you not only have never said but never talked about or knew of and the morons at Eschaton apparently believe him.   I never heard of those two gals Simps is pimping for but I fail to hear anything to do with Herrmann's music in their stuff. 

Simps would never have heard of Bernard Hermann if he hadn't been a movie music composer.  Simps doesn't know anything except the ass end of pop culcha and his taste in that generally runs to the lower end.  

If he hadn't written movie music I probably would have heard of Hermann (I believe he spelled it with two r's back then) because of his association with two of the Jewish composers Simps ignorantly loves to hate on , Arthur Berger and one of his teachers who Hermann expressed great gratitude for, Stefan Wolpe, who was, as well, disliked by the Nazis, being designated an official "entartete" composer.  I've pointed this out to the attention deficient, memory challenged, eternally vulgar and stupid pop music typler.  He has never, though, let a lie corrected go unrepeated. He's got so much in common with his fellow vulgarian, Donald Trump other than vulgarity. 


  1. Pants on fire, Sparkles. I sent you that Kaki King video some months ago to annoy you after you posted another of your Dušan Bogdanović blowjobs. You did not disappoint me in dismissing it as wallpaper. And if you can't hear Bernie Herrmann in there you're deaf.

  2. I was unable to find that, where is it? It is wallpaper music but I don't recall ever hearing it before, which would tend to confirm my judgement that it was wallpaper music if I'd heard it before.

    I think Bernard Herrmann would be insulted by the comparison but I'd have to hear him say it before I'd attribute that to him instead of admitting it was my belief. And he's dead.

    Bogdanovic's least challenging music is too complicated for your shit-pop trained attention span.

  3. I knew you’d lie about never having heard it or having dissed it.

    Projection, thy name is Sparky.

    1. A. Prove I was able to remember the incident you're alleging happened,
      B. Prove I'm able to find where it is,
      C. Prove I'd remember that piece of crap you allege I heard,
      D. Prove that it would be worth me lying about.

      If it make you feel any better about your total inadequacy, I'm dissing it now. It's shit that I doubt Bernard Herrmann would want attributed to him, though that's my doubt, not his opinion.

      I think "projection" used in that manner has almost become as meaningless as "irony". I'm sure you helped wear it down to meaninglessness through it becoming just another way of Simps saying "I got nutting'".

  4. Search your own fuckng archive, numbnuts. I’m not doing your dirty work for you.

  5. I did. I didn't find the incident you describe. I stopped deleting the crap I decided to post from you long before I found out about Bogdanovic's music because I figured that no one would believe how stupid you are unless I left it up.
