Saturday, September 9, 2017

I Read That Their Slogan Now Is "The Miracle of Science"

Better living through chemistry, right?  I just came back from helping an even more elderly member of my family pack up some stuff that was left in the house they just moved into so they can take it to the hazardous waste clean-up day in their town.   One of the things was a bag of Chlordane, something our wonderful legal system and regulatory system used to allow to be sold to consumers but which I found as I looked it up just now, has been banned for use, even against termites,  since 1988.   I haven't told her, yet, that she should really see if she can find someone to tell her how much of it was used around the place.  

You might want to look at this, 30 years after the EPA Ban, Chlordane still Poisons Local Birds at the EPA blog, before they take it down.  From "better living through chemistry" to better dying through ignorance.   Here's a general fact sheet.  If you read it, consider this stuff was allowed to be sold for forty years, here.  I don't know if it's not still sold in other places. 

About my use of slogans. I am not sure if Dupont sold the Chlordane I packed up, I didn't look too closely at the label on the damp, mouldering bag as I got it into a box.  I didn't feel like going back to look.  But I'm sure Dupont has sold enough dangerous things to put in place of Chlordane in making my point.  The chemical industry in this country and elsewhere are as bad as any.  The regulation of them has been a deadly joke. 

1 comment:

  1. What I remember of the Biblical miracles, they didn't have dangerous consequences for bystanders.
