Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Radio Just Told Me That Trump Might Raise His Poll Numbers By Showing Leadership In the Hurricane Harvey Disaster

I was just listening to NPRs Morning Edition show and am left wondering if there is any more cynical venue of media this side of Breitbart?   I was just listening to one of their reporters talking about what an opportunity hurricane Harvey is for Trump to raise his poll numbers by showing a pose of leadership, something which he has showed the opposite of from the start of his public life. It's such a stupid thing to say that I'm sure even the jerks in the discussion know that is never going to happen. 

I'm old enough to remember when non-profit radio was considered an alternative to the banality of commercial radio.  Then they got the bright idea of putting many local and college based efforts under some kind of united umbrella.  Between Republicans threatening their government funding and their internal selling out to corporate underwriters and other sell-outs, it is another of those phony, supposedly liberal entities that is about as deadly damaging to liberal morality as any but with the phony retained identity as an alternative to the supposedly cynical, amoral commercial media. 

Among the things I once thought I'd never have said before, it would be a good thing if NPR got defunded and died. 


  1. "Presdient say 'Little fat man, idn't it a shame/what the river has done to this poor cracker's land?' "


    1. The media in general is really bad at infantilizing Americans "in a time of crisis" pretending that whoever is in the White House (though mostly when its Republicans there) is everyone's daddy who is going to make it all right but who needs our support. And no venue of the media is more guilty of that than NPR. I really have come to loathe it. I'm going to have to remember to bring an mp3 player with me when I know I'm going to be exposed to it.
