Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Second Hand Knows

You don't know how much I'd like to research and investigate the blog atheist attempt to either debunk the central role that Copernicus had in the Gregorian calendar reform or to, otherwise, turn the Catholic priest whose heliocentric model of the universe was, in fact, supported by Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes before Galileo got into trouble with the last humanist pope over it to use in atheist invective.   I would turn it into a post about how atheists have twisted, made-up and lied about history to dupe superficial people who will buy their tripe - many of them having all levels of academic degrees as well as those without them.  But, as I said yesterday, I'm busy.  

I am even too pressed to make fun of Stultified Steve and the stupid statement he posted here yesterday.

One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is the seldom mentioned though ubiquitous anger of atheists about religion.  I mean the fact that an enormous amount of academic and even so-called scientific life revolves around the hostility of atheists towards people who believe in God and the idea of God.  The longer I've looked into the phenomenon of atheism, the clearer it has become that a real, primitive and all consuming hatred of God is central to so much of what gets scribbled and babbled as serious academic discourse.   And, as important as the hatred of God is, there is also the certainly known but unarticulated knowledge among others who either want to advance in respectable academia  or, at least, be unbullied by the atheists in academia and popular media, who just go along with it, creating the popular pseudo-history and pseudo-erudition that the popular levels of "knowledge" most often heard consist of.   A lot of that might also be sheer laziness, not bothering to look at the primary material and thinking about it - it's not always as clear cut in the primary literature as the same material digested (and often distorted)* in the secondary literature and tertiary and more remote junk - much of which also enters into the intro and jurno levels of discourse.  Of course most of what gets into the brainy side of Hollywood production relies mostly on the third and fourth hand junk.  

But, that will have to wait.  

* It's so much easier to read what Max Weber said than to read the primary material, but it's even easier to just repeat what someone said about what Max Weber said.  And for Max Weber you can substitute hundreds of other creators of the secondary level, official erudition.

Instant Update:  I have got to remember not to use this browser to write posts, I can't figure out how it screws up the font that gets produced. 

Update:  Stupy thinks that "Marvel movies" amount to academic discourse.  See what I mean about him not even trying.  Not that his good buddies at Duncan's, um. "Brain trust" care.   Maybe someday I'll point out how among our most conceited class of college grads a stupid, content free wise guy piece of snark passes as wisdom.  Though, come to think of it, Dorothy Parker already said something like that.   That stuff gets old, if you're lucky.  If not, you stay in perpetual jr. high. 


  1. "The longer I've looked into the phenomenon of atheism, the clearer it has become that a real, primitive and all consuming hatred of God is central to so much of what gets scribbled and babbled as serious academic discourse. "

    Which God would that be, Sparky? Personally, I hate that Loki guy from all the Marvel movies.


  2. "You
    don't know how much I'd like to research and investigate the blog
    atheist attempt to either debunk the central role that Copernicus had in
    the Gregorian calendar reform or to, otherwise, turn the Catholic
    priest whose heliocentric model of the universe was, in fact, supported
    by Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes before Galileo got into trouble
    with the last humanist pope over it to use in atheist invective."

    Hey, if it keeps you off the streets, I say go for it.
