Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Even More Hate Mail - Nah, He's Just Lying As Usual

In the post-literate world in which even a semi-literate, semi-scribbler or typeller can have what gets called "a career in journalism", it's no wonder that such a dolt can be considered a member of a "brain trust"  Here is what I said, in no way was I then or ever, "blaming the elimination of prayer in schools for the rise of Trump".   I'll admit, though not really a subtle point, it was probably too subtle for the post literate snobs of the "Brain Trust".

I do think that an over-reaction to things like the Supreme Court rulings banning prayer in public schools it has led to a near complete reluctance to enforce any moral absolutes or even to instruct and enforce morality among children, and certainly not among adults.  The Supreme Court has made even the consideration that children could be damaged by what adults find entertaining an insufficient reason to deprive adults of even the most morally depraved content.   

Your guide to what I say is a years long serial liar and a dolt, though it's not possible to know at any given time if his misrepresentation is the one or the other.   I have said there needed to be a word for someone who makes a habit of telling the kinds of lies he does, they've been common enough in the media, FOX, when it isn't outright lying is telling the same kinds of lies.

I have come to understand that the play-left lies as much as the all too real right, it's just that they tell other lies.  There are some sites that I used to frequent, years back,  where it has become remarkably common.   In that second Chomsky Youtube I posted this morning, you can hear the young Trotskyite wack-job doing something similar.

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