Saturday, December 6, 2014

If Sadistic Sexual Slavery Can Be An Alternative Life Style Why Not Other Forms Of Opportunistic Torture?

In the seemingly never ending silliness that the weird pantomime of unfair fairness and inequality promoting equality that has taken over a left which is destroyed by it, I have been informed that Sado-masochism is a completely harmless alternative form of sexuality.  In a sexual culture in which faithful monogamy among gay men is constantly targeted as a perverted aberration  that is, as we say, rich.   You see, anything, even the real harming of real people, even quite young and foolishly naive people can be sacralized into an "alternative life style" or, in an act of total insanity, a "right" and so protected from any criticism.

It has been one of the great revelations of the struggle for gay marriage that those, such as myself, who won't have sex any other way but in a committed, monogamous relationship based on love, mutual respect of rights and honesty are, and maybe you have to be a gay guy of a certain age to  get the delicious irony of this, UNNATURAL.   We are guilty of a crime against nature, as made up by the "males are naturally rapists because, "smart genes", school of typists.

Yes, it's gone from stuffy judges overseeing sodomy cases brought against some wretches entrapped by the cops thundering about their deplorable crimes against nature to gay sex bad advice columnists such as Dan Savage and other jurnos on the make attacking gay men who don't want promiscuous sex for their own, declared crimes against nature.

And this week I'm told that it's not the pornographers and the men who masturbate to their images of porn-prostitutes being maimed, assaulted, tortured, degraded, endangered, abused, humiliated, subjugated, bound, insulted - with every woman and or gay hating word, phrase and concept any misogynist and gay-basher ever articulated - and who, there can be no doubt obtain reinforcement as well as new ideas to try out on whoever they find who is damaged enough to give what can be passed off legally as consent - or not, as the case may be - for whatever it takes for them to stimulate their jaded and perverted libidos to climax, who are wrong and destroying every value of liberalism, it's those of us who oppose that.

We live with a Supreme Court that, in the name of free speech, has allowed the explicit torture and killing of animals in pornography when there is no question about what is going on.  We live with legal system which, in fact, has done nothing to regulate the distribution of pornography which definitely takes advantage of people who are mentally ill, and those who are addicted or economically forced into being the objects of all of those things described in the last paragraph because, yes, that all-encompassing permission to make money the supreme value of everything, "free speech".   That the speech is an act in these cases, something which any rational person who didn't want to lie about it would stipulate makes all the difference in the world, cuts no mustard with the high priesthood sitting on that bench in black robes.   That it inevitably ends up with people being destroyed, harmed and oppressed by an industry that makes billions of dollars every year, would seem to be an accidental artifact of a kind that happens so remarkably frequently with the Supreme Court thinking on the Bill of Rights these days.  I would guess  that the recent citation of the First and Second amendments, alone, would produce measurable harm to far, far more people on behalf of corporations and the rich than they have ever protected someone without money*.

In this we can see how words divorced of their meaning in the context of real life can produce a travesty of reason and a total perversion of values and morals.  And that the ease with which that can be done and the obvious harms it produces can persist, perhaps even as long as those conventionally accepted lies that sustained slavery and the subjugation of women.  Perhaps I should go full circle and point out this is not so much different from the form of dishonesty that permitted the oppression of sexual minorities as well. just to a different end.

*  I have pointed out before that when money equals speech, the variable that money becomes means that if you have less or no money your "speech" rights can be, for every political purpose, reduced to zero.  Just as the Supreme Court and others turn the rights of the victims of porn-prostitution around the world into nothing they need to bother their beautiful minds with.

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