Monday, November 24, 2014

Reading The Hate Mail File

I'm increasingly coming to believe that it's not that the internet doesn't only not do subtle distinctions very well, it doesn't even do obvious distinctions very well.

I laid it out, read it again, slooooooowwwwwly and take the words in.  Then look at the links to see I'm not lying about what they said.  As for the Nazis being Christians, you come up where they advocated loving your enemies and praying for them, doing unto others as they would have them do unto them, doing justice to the least among them, welcoming the stranger among them and treating the as one of them.  Oh, and there was also that little thing about those who lived by the sword dying by it.   There's a word for a Christian who does the opposite of all of those, someone who is really lousy at being a Christian. 

Other than that, I think the online atheists are some of the stupidest conceited people I've ever encountered and I used to have to go to receptions after concerts, filled with rich people.

Update:  Sims, try harder and I'll have a harder time ignoring you. 

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