Friday, June 14, 2013

Why Are You Spending So Much Time on This?

Because the theophobes use lies of this type in their propaganda and the documentary proof that they are lying is readily available.  It might be a better question to ask why they feel it's necessary or desirable to lie about Jefferson, Madison, Adams, etc.  The proof that those were, far from being anti-Christian, professed Christians is certainly more solid than many of the sciency arguments used to promote atheism, such as abiogenesis and multi-universe-string, membrane,M-theory.  It is certainly more solid than the myth based evo-psy and the more tenuous speculations of neuro and cog sci.  That documentary evidence, preserved in the hand writing of those men is 100% reliable, they said what they said, they often said it more than once to more than one person.  Primary documentary evidence expressing the thoughts of Jefferson et al will not be over turned except through later recantations and those don't seem to be available.  As I pointed out this morning, even if they produced the alleged letters to Paine, subsequent and previous declarations would prove it was a temporary apostasy, not a permanent one.  

I do these posts as a service to anyone who wants to refute the big mouthed, small-minded atheists who have done so much to damage and divide the left, to waste our time.  

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