Monday, February 10, 2025

The Cowardly Millionaire Players Of Pro Football

SO DID ANY OF THE MILLIONAIRES PROTEST the NFL caving into Republican-fascist racism?   Looking this morning all I can see is one person got nailed for having a Palestinian flag and the Republican-racists got in a racist lather over Lift Every Voice And Sing.  Lift Every Voice is a far, far better song than the anthem, both words and music.  I'll bet the big mouthed moron caucus - Bobert, MTG, most of the Republican caucus, really-  of the Republican Party doesn't know all the words.  I mean even to the first verse which is the only one anyone much knows.   Trump doesn't, as he proved even back when most People hadn't seen that he was senile.  He had seventy years of hearing the thing sung and he didn't know the words yet,  he's the stupidest man to have ever been president, by far.  I mean even stupider than Warren Harding or Franklin Pierce or Ronald Reagan. 

Republicans are and have been in the control of the racists since 1964 though that trend goes back to at least 1948 when Truman integrated the military.   That's the same year the Frank Capra movie State Of The Union contained the line, Well, you know us Southerners, we vote Democratic down home but we've got an awfully good Republican record in Congress.

In the meantime the white-supermacist with the pro-genocidalist name wants to continue the argument over their ersatz obsession over Transwomen - odd, they don't seem to be nearly as worked up over Transmen, which tells us something about the depths of their misogyny but exactly what I don't know.   

Republican-fascists, and ANYONE who is still in the party in 2025 is a Republican-fascist, pretending to care about Women is a transparent pose considering they've nationalized the very bodies of Women and are entirely OK with women dying in the most gruesome ways as a result of Republican-fascist abortion bans and restrictions in every Republican-fascist controlled state.  The liars who invent sex crimes as a result of Transwomen using public toilets  are perfectly OK with torturing Women RAPED BY CIS-GENDERED-STRAIGHT MEN by making them carry the rapists fetus to term and making them give birth when they don't want to.   That's not the policy of Democrats and liberals who are perfectly OK with such Women impregnated as a result of rape carrying the fetus to term IF THAT'S THEIR CHOICE.   Republican-fascists are OK with enforced pregnancy even if the Woman is a little girl impregnated by rape as can be seen in a number of cases since Roe was overturned  in which their lives are endangered by carrying the fetus to term.  As in he pre-Roe world, there is no number of dead women that they think is too high a price to pay, especially since it's those Women who are paying, not them.

Neo-Nazi guy, you slimeballs don't give a rats ass about Transwomen in sports or them using a public toilet,  you want another hate issue to sway the bigoted and ignorant into sending money and voting for those who will use their ignorance and hatred to shaft them as much as the ones they hate.  Republican-fascist voters are either scheming con-men or they're stupid dupes, though some of the dupes are stupid scheming con-men, too.   Republicans cook those up in soc-sci-marketing campaigns to figure out which ones to focus on to win any given election cycle by whipping up those prone to that marketing.   Women are nothing but objects to be used, just like everyone else is for you ALL CONSERVATISM IS FIRMLY BASED IN MAKING EVERY HUMAN RELATIONSHIP TRANSACTIONAL.   That is the difference between us.  Though I have no problem expecting most of you value the most favored - read that rich and so powerful - more than anyone, rich-white men with money, straight over gay though if the gay neo-Nazi is a billionaire, the rich will override everything about him.   But in the end the issue for you is what you figure YOU can get out of it, in your case probably some Person of Color or Woman has a job they're fully qualified for but that you figure as a straight-white male you think rightly belongs to you - college based cis-gendered-white guys with a sense of entitlement are such a bunch of a-holes.

As to sports, they shouldn't have any presence in educational institutions, from grammar school up through post-doc.  Especially not contact sports or other sports that lead to life long debility. Phys-ed should be about the health of everyone in the school, not just those with a physical prowess for playing little boy's games.   America's unlightenment is tied securely to the resources spent on sports that should be spent on education.   If it were up to me, I'd dump all the sports and institute generally health and exercise programs in their place.   The stupidity of Americans in the voting booth is intimately died with their ignorance and that's a function of time wasted on entertainment.  Sports is the most ubiquitously funded aspect of that.


  1. Oh please. We're supposed to take your opinion on anything serious like this when you're on record as saying Raymond Chandler is a bad writer?

    1. Let me guess, Simps. Your daddy played football at A&M and this is your daddy issues coming to the top, again.
      You know, in my recently being exposed to the entirely predictable and terrible prose of Dame Agatha, one of the things I thought is that Raymond Chandler had a lot in common with her, his one and only real stylistic feature, his wise-cracks, got to be as predictable as her cosy-style shit. Admit it, Simps, you watched Bogey in the movies and never read his shit. That's another thing, like Dame Agatha, he's a lot easier to take in adaptation than in the original. I have to admit, I find Bogey's acting kind of artificial in a way it never seemed to me when I was young and callow, you're old and callow, so you haven't noticed yet.

    2. Oh, I just remembered, you've got a hair across your ass when someone uses the phrase "cis-gendered" don't you. I don't use it much but I have to admit, it is a useful designation when it comes to conventional insistence on sex and gender roles by cis-gendered males and sometimes females. Especially white, affluent ones.
