I AM NOT SORRY to say that if I hear another Trump voter on an interview or Youtube or Instagram or Tic-Toc whining about them or their loved ones GETTING WHAT THEY WERE AND STILL ARE OK WITH HIM DOING TO SOMEONE ELSE I'm inclined to find it gratifying only wishing I could say what I'm about to say to their face as I point out they have still not learned a thing from their own personal experience.
IF YOU WERE OR STILL ARE OK WITH TRUMP DOING IT TO SOMEONE ELSE, YOU ARE GETTING EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESERVE. If your loved one who is getting shafted by Trump, whether a worker losing their job, whether it is a person dependent on federal funding, whether it is a legal resident or the stranger among us was OK with Trump doing it to someone else BUT NOT THEM, I have no pity for you.
On the other hand, I'm not OK with some of the blanket condemnation of Latinos, Arab Americans, . . . right down to "cis-gendered straight white men" based on Pew or other bulll shit pseudo-science surveys showing that a majority or a sizable and crucial margin of them voted for Trump. I'M ONLY SAYING THAT THOSE WHO SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR TRUMP AND ENCOURAGED OTHERS TO VOTE FOR HIM DIRECTLY OR BY VOTING FOR THE PUTIN-REPUBLICAN-FASCIST ASSET JILL STEIN AND WHO GET BITTEN BY THE ANTI-CHRIST THEY'VE UNLEASHED DESERVE WHAT THE INNOCENT WHO OPPOSED HIM DON'T DESERVE.
I have yet to hear a FAFO Trump supporter who is in the finding-out stage shedding their tears for themselves also shedding them for the totally innocent victims of Trump. As I said before, FAFO FOAD. I'll shed tears for you when the innocent victims of Trump have gotten my tears, I doubt there will be any left over for you.
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