Friday, February 28, 2025

Donald Trump Is The Stupidest, STUPIDEST Person To Have Ever Gotten Near The Presidency

including every previous president such such as Harding, Pierce, yes, Ronald Reagan.  And such Vice Presidents as Dan Quayle, Richard Johnson and Maine's own Hannibal Hamlin (among the most worthless of American politicians in history).   Compared to Trump, the hapless Quayle was almost wise, he at least gave good advice when it counted to a man who should join the list,  Mike Pence when Trump ordered him to break the law and violate the Constitution, destroying electoral democracy.   

I would advocate in this one instance to use the now forbidden "R" word because it's about the only one that Trump and the Trump cult will understand,  since it is important I think we should start saying that Trump is retarded because he is.  BUT WITH THIS STIPULATION.  It's not a matter of biology or genetics or unfortunate outcomes at birth, it is a matter of moral retardation.  Trump was indoctrinated in moral depravity as a member of his family, reportedly under the degenerate and cruel amorality of his criminal father, Fred Trump, the reason that his older brother Fred jr. was passed over by his father in favor of the clearly stupider and more spoiled Donald Trump was that his older brother wasn't as cruel and amoral.   

This is a long answer to a comment condemning me for citing Jesus and the Gospels, condemning me as an LGBTQ+ person who believes in complete equality of People,  of People owning their own bodies and making their own decisions about who they will love.

Since I mentioned one of my very early blog posts yesterday I'll mention another one, one that said that no moral judgement which ignored the real-life outcomes of any moral stand can be relied on to be valid.   I was choosing to not focus on religion in my blog posts then due to the then current fashion of anti-Christian atheist invective - not due to being ashamed of religion but worrying about dividing the already divided and impotent left.   Instead of the neutral, ineffective terms I put it in I should have put it in terms of was the saying of Jesus that you could only judge the morality of moral positions on the basis of the results of those in real life,  that "you will know them by their fruits."   

As an LGBTQ+ man, as a gay man I do have one thing that I can thank the haters of LGBTQ+ People for, they have given me a sound basis for judging the morality of LGBTQ+ equaity on and that is the results of the morality of those who hate and oppose us in real life.   It is the politicians and voters who support LGBTQ+ equality who regularly take action to feed the hungry, to house the homeless, to heal the sick, to treat prisoners humanely, to do justice to the orphan, the widow and the alien living among us.   It is the haters of LGBTQ+ People and equality,  those in the "evangelical" churches, those in Catholicism and other churches,  the entire Republican Party who do the opposite of it. 

There is no doubt about who upholds morality in reality, who produce good fruit, good consequences and those who don't and it is you guys, you Republican-fascists, you Trumpers, you modern American conservatives, your corrupt, lying media, you billionaire enriching destitute destroying degenerates who produce moral degeneracy.   From the most popular of media Bishops to the most degenerate Trump camp follower, I can see the fruit of your amorality and I an see the fruit of those who favor equality before the law and it has removed any residual doubts I may have had about my own sexuality.   I have no doubt as to my moral status in at least those terms now.   

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